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Div Boxes Take Up Full Width - Not Good.


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I'm having some trouble with this. I have a little function that writes something and puts a border around it. The border takes up the full width of the page though and thats not what I want. I'm aware of using the width css to set the width in pixels or percentage, but how do I get it to just be a border around it's contents?Here's the little practice page I'm working on It's just a web server running on my PC I use for learning..that's why there's no domain. It might not work though, I'm using dialup and might disconnect.In case that page doesn't work , I've got something that looks like this, some contents, a <div> with a border [CONTENTS___________________________________________________________________________________________________]and what I'd like is a simple border around the contents that doesn't take the full width of the page, but just around what's in the div.[CONTENTS]And here's the source.<html><head><style type="text/css">div.progbar1 {margin:2px 1px 0px; display:inline-block;background-color:red;width:10px;height:10px;border:1px solid black;}div.progbar2 {margin:2px 1px 0px; display:inline-block;background-color:grey;width:10px;height:10px;border:1px solid black;}</style></head><body><?phpfunction renderbar($score) {echo '<div style="border:2px groove red;width:inherit">'; for ($i=1;$i<=10;$i++) { if ($i<=$score) { echo '<div class="progbar1"></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="progbar2"></div>'; } } echo " $score/10";echo '</div>';} ?> <?php renderbar(3);?></body></html>PS: I'm a newbie at all this (html,css and php!). Anyway I hope I explained my dilemma good enough..

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Ah yeah that works too and even better in fact as the float was making it wrap around things. I have another question regarding this same thing, is there any easy way to add a centered caption above or below this little <div> like you do with tables? Here's an example (though it's probably obvious what I'm asking I've found it's better to be as clear as possible when asking questions).

__MyTitle__|			   ||			   ||			   ||_________|

Well, it's hard to draw like that on here but anyway.

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You would have to have nested <div> elements for that:

<div class="hidden_block">  Caption  <div class="visible_block">	Content here  </div></div>

.hidden_block {  display: inline-block;  text-align: center;}.visible_block {  background-color: blue;  text-align: left;}

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