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Adjust Image Size To Fit Page


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I need to check the size of a remote image and adjust the width and height html tags if it is too big before the page loads. I have looked at using getimagesize in php but this doesnt work on a remote image as I have allow_url_fopen=off due to recent security problems.Does anyone have any ideas of another way to do this?

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Solution I have works ok but I have a question about image types. I am using the piece of code below and it seems to work fine for all jpg gif and png but should I be using the imagejpg command when the image is an unknown image from a remote server that maybe jpg gif or png.

imagejpeg($new_image, $tempfile,100);

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I could determine what the file extensions was but as it appears to work with any extensions I wonder if I need to bother. I am creating a temporary file on my server from the file on the remote server purley to gain width and height of the remote image. I don't actually display the created image, I display the remote one with the height and width tags set to the relevant size.

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If you're using CURL to just read the file's data and you have that in a string, you can get the dimensions like this without needing to write a new file:$image = imagecreatefromstring($curl_data);$w = imagesx($image);$h = imagesy($image);

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