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Small Safari Issue...


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The website is now fully operational in IE678, firefox, and chrome. But I noticed the content div isnt right in safari.FIREFOX33c153915feef38f4bd2a3dc0e76fd9a.pngSAFARId0d7dddfff9cc382d17e1deb8143fa2c.pngCSS

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It looks as if the #content container had an assigned width, margin, or was set to be displayed as an inline block.If I could see the page I might be able to understand it better.

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Removing "overflow: hidden" from the #content selector seems to solve the problem.
Hey, thanks for taking a look. Unfortunately... the content div needs overflow:hidden. The content div has divs in it that clears floats. And with out the overflow:hidden, those divs clear the #nav div.http://www.brunildo.org/test/clear.htmlThe above site describes alternate solutions to this probelm, but after looking at the page in browsershots.org, I dont see one that is fully cross browser.:)
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