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Checkbox Problem


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i have a problem on checkboxes.<% counter3 = 0 dim gunler, guns, gun() gunler=split(dates,",") Redim gun(40) For each guns in gunler 'response.write "<br>gun(" & counter3 & ")=" & guns counter3 =counter3 + 1 Next counter2 = 0 For i = Cdate(start_date) to Cdate(end_date) If WeekdayName(Weekday(start_date)) <> "Sunday" Then %><input type="checkbox" name="dates" id="dates" value="<%=Cdate(start_date)%>" <%if CDate(start_date) = gunler(counter2) Then%> checked <%End If%>> <%=Cdate(start_date)%> - <%=WeekdayName(Weekday(start_date))%> <% End If start_date = DateAdd("d",1,start_date) counter2 = counter2 + 1 %><br> <%Next%> this is my code.i want to get checked checkbox from dbbut i cannot get checked checkbox because i write on db only checked, if i can write unchecked checkbox , i will be get the true solution.please give me a big helpgun(0)=22.08.2009gun(1)= 24.08.2009gun(2)= 25.08.2009gun(3)= 29.08.2009gun(4)= 01.09.2009gun(5)= 03.09.2009gun(6)= 04.09.2009gun(7)= 08.09.200922.08.2009 - Sat 24.08.2009 - Mon25.08.2009 - Tue26.08.2009 - Wed27.08.2009 - Thu28.08.2009 - Fri29.08.2009 - Sat31.08.2009 - Mon01.09.2009 - Tue02.09.2009 - Wed03.09.2009 - Thu04.09.2009 - Fri05.09.2009 - Sat07.09.2009 - Mon08.09.2009 - Tue09.09.2009 - Wed10.09.2009 - Thu11.09.2009 - Fri12.09.2009 - Sat14.09.2009 - Mon15.09.2009 - Tue

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If you want look at all of the boxes instead of only the ones that were checked, you need to loop through all of the checkbox names like you do when you write them out, and for each one see if it was submitted. In that case, it will probably help if you name each checkbox differently instead of calling them all the same thing.

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You already have a counter, so might as well use that for the name.counter2 = 0For i = Cdate(start_date) to Cdate(end_date) If WeekdayName(Weekday(start_date)) <> "Sunday" Then %><input type="checkbox" name="cb_<%=counter2%>" id="dates" value="<%=Cdate(start_date)%>" <%if CDate(start_date) = gunler(counter2) Then%> checked <%End If%>><%=Cdate(start_date)%> - <%=WeekdayName(Weekday(start_date))%><%End Ifstart_date = DateAdd("d",1,start_date)counter2 = counter2 + 1%><br><%Next%>Then to read them you do the same loop, and get each one by name.

counter = 0For i = Cdate(start_date) to Cdate(end_date)   cb = Request.Form("cb_" & counter)  ... do whatever with cb  counter = counter + 1Next

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