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FOrms again


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HiI am trying to set up a subscription button on website, The host server seems to have problems with the post method and sends a 405 method dissallowed message. I have tried using the get method but i'm still missing a trick somewhere because it's not working.Here is the html script<FORM METHOD="get" ACTION="http://www.madrugada-parties.co.uk/sendmail.php"> <INPUT Name="email" type="text" value="Email address" size="30"/> <INPUT TYPE="submit" class="submitbutton" VALUE="Join the Onk" alt="subscribe to mailing list" /> </FORM>and here's the php<? $email = $_GET['email'] ; mail( "owen@owenrimington.co.uk", "ONK", "From: $email" ); header( "Location: http://www.madrugada-parties.co.uk/thankyou.html" ); ?>Please help, thanks alot :)

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Using the post method is best when sending information with forms. Instead of changing the method to a less efficient one (for forms), change the host server to a more efficient one.

HiI am trying to set up a subscription button on website, The host server seems to have problems with the post method and sends a 405 method dissallowed message. I have tried using the get method but i'm still missing a trick somewhere because it's not working.Please help, thanks alot :)

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