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Using Css To Set Three Column Heights To Be The Same


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I am making a page with three columns of three divs nested in a container div.#left_colum #center_content #right_columnI am trying to use css to make colums to eqaul the height of the longest on so as you add content to the center div the left and right divs schange to the same heitht as the content div and so forthHave tried height: auot; height: 100%; and height: inherit; what i am i missing?mike

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i think if you wrap all those column div's in a #wrapper div, and then add a fifth div, say #footer after your three column divs, and apply float:clear to it (the #footer div), it should pull all your column divs down to the bottom and make them all the same height.

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i think if you wrap all those column div's in a #wrapper div, and then add a fifth div, say #footer after your three column divs, and apply float:clear to it (the #footer div), it should pull all your column divs down to the bottom and make them all the same height.
Thank you, I did not mention that I had a footer with clear: both; and still had spaces between left and right columns and footer where center content had grown in height as content was added. (I know its hard to convey a picture in words). But this is something eles I did not mention. I had attached background images to the l-r cols and footer with center content white. What I did to fix was attached same bgrnd img to container / wrapper div and it filled in the empty spaces with fill image. I was laying awake in bed and it hit me and I had to get up and try it. Thanks for your reply.Mike :)
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