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[solved] Character Limit When Displaying


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Hey everybody,After a few days of seriously trying I managed to get my own blogging system working, but now there's one problem left:How do I put a character limit to the output content?For example: On my homepage I want to display the last 5 posts, but I don't want them to be their full length, since that would be too long.Here's the used code:

	echo "<h3>Viewing 5 latest posts.</h3>";	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Blog LIMIT 5 ORDER BY Id DESC");		while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))		{		echo "<div class=\"blogpost\">";		echo "<h4><a href=\"./index.php?view=post&id=" . $row['Id'] . "\" target=\"_self\">" . $row['Title'] . "</a></h4>";		echo "<h6>Posted by " . $row['Name'] . " on " . $row['Posted'] . " in <a href=\"./index.php?view=cat&cat=" . $row['Category'] . "\" target=\"_self\">" . $row['Category'] . "</a></h6>";		echo "<p>" . $row['Content'] . "</p>";		echo "</div>";

Thanks in advance,YvilEDIT: " . $row['Content'] . " is what I'm trying to put a character limit to.

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Now I'm using this, but it still doesn't work..How should I use the substr?

	echo "<h3>Viewing 5 latest posts.</h3>";	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Blog LIMIT 5 ORDER BY Id DESC");		while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))		{		echo "<div class=\"blogpost\">";		echo "<h4><a href=\"./index.php?view=post&id=" . $row['Id'] . "\" target=\"_self\">" . $row['Title'] . "</a></h4>";		echo "<h6>Posted by " . $row['Name'] . " on " . $row['Posted'] . " in <a href=\"./index.php?view=cat&cat=" . $row['Category'] . "\" target=\"_self\">" . $row['Category'] . "</a></h6>";		echo "<p>";		echo substr($row['Content'], 0, [200]);		echo "</p></div>";

EDIT: Nevermind, shouldn't have put square brackets around 200. Thanks Deirdre's Dad, for the fast solution!

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