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Add Newline Character To Php/apache Error_log?


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I can manually made my apache error log take a new line by concatenating ."\r\n" to the end of any error_log statement, but how do I make automatic error messages take a new line? I have error reporting on all, and I get warnings if I check for a variable presence and it's not set, as happens on a lot of pages, and I get this huge amorphous mess of errors. Any way to make that happen automatically?

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It should be adding newlines automatically. If you're opening the logs in Notepad, try a different editor. I don't think Notepad allows just \n as a newline. Wordpad will read the files correctly, there are also several programming editors that won't have an issue.

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Ah, right you are - it opened in notepad automatically, but it's fine in ConTEXT.

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