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.htaccess Problems Here, Too..


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I have a page called category.php5 that uses $_GET["category"] to fetch the right content from the database. I want to pretty it up so is looks like:sinaesthesia.co.uk/category/psoriasiswhich would equal:sinaesthesia.co.uk/category.php5?category=psoriasisI have successfully done this sort of rewriting before, but since I can't get it to work now, I'm worred that I might have rules in place that are somehow screwing me. Here is my entire .htaccess file - the last couple of lines are supposed to do the above rewrite:

RewriteEngine On#remember to change this to aromaclearRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^sinaesthesia\.co.uk$ [NC]RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://sinaesthesia.co.uk/$1 [R=301,L]#Translate default page to rootRewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ .*/index\.(php5|html)\ HTTPRewriteRule ^(.*)index\.(php5|html)$ /$1 [R=301,L]#translate any .html ending into .php5RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ /$1\.php5#change / for ?RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html/(.*)$ /$1\.html?$2#strip .html from search res pageRewriteRule ^(.*)search/(.*)$ /$1search_results\.html/search=$2#translate product details link from search res pageRewriteRule ^products/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)$ /product_details.php5?category=$1&title=$2&id=$3 [L]#Translate products/psorisis/chamomile-skin-cream-P[x] to productview.php5?id=1RewriteRule ^products/.*-P([0-9]+) /productview.php5?id=$1 [L]#Translate /category/psoriasis to /category.php5?category=$1RewriteRule ^category/(.*) /category.php5?category=$1 [L]

When I manually enter category.php5/category=psoriasis, it works great. When I enter category.php5/category/psoriasis, it doesn't. I'm worried that my line that changes a html/ to html? is an error, however when I take that line out, it still doesn't work. Everything else works as expected.

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54 views and no clues?

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I stripped the file down to just RewriteEngine On#Translate /category/psoriasis to /category.php5?category=psoriasisRewriteRule ^(.+)category/(.+)$ /$1category.php5?category=$2 [L]and it still doesn't work. It's such a simple rewrite, I don't understand why it won't work.

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Hm...that doesn't seem entirely applicable...I understand, but it isn't really what I want to do here. I only have one parameter, for a start.

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Have triedRewriteRule ^(.*)category/([a-z]+)$ /$1category.php5?category=$2 [L]and still nothing - even with that as my only rule. Wtfunk?

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Maybe the search is being greedy, try this instead: ... (.*?)category ...Though I'm not sure, I think greedy searches do stop at the last occurence of the next character in the expression.

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Hm, (.*) does usually eat up any characters. When I try (.*?) I get a 500 Error. Given that I want:sinaesthesia.co.uk/category/psoriasisand the document is at root, I shouldn't even need to worry about capturing the domain and the forward slash, but I've tried it both ways with no success. It's driving me bonkers because it should have been the 2 seconds work I thought it was.

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Ah, I think I got the problem: the server tries to resolve /category/psoriasis into /category.php5/psoriasis because it finds a file called category.php5 - works fine if I use /cat/psoriasis...

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