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Adding A Constant To A Formula


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I'm trying to create a new field call it $N, and I want to give it a value of 1 where ever there is an image in the formual..take a look..

<?php if(($OpenDT=="") or ($CurrentDT=="")) {echo "";} elseif($Months<=6) {echo '<img src="images/check.png" width="25" height="20">';} $N=1 elseif($Months<=12) {echo "";} else {echo "";}?><TD align=center bordercolor='#f6faff'>

So when $Months <=6, I want the image plus the field $N to equal =1 .. any idea .. thanks

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Thanks guys, but I got the answer..maybe I made it sound harder than it actually is...

<?php $N=0; if(($OpenDT=="") or ($CurrentDT=="")) {echo "";} elseif($Months<=6) {echo '<img src="images/check.png" width="25" height="20">'; $N=1; } elseif($Months<=12) {echo "";} else {echo "";}?><TD align=center bordercolor='#f6faff'>

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you have a lot of pointless code there. Your elseif, else and echo ""; statements do nothing at all.You could simplify it to this:

<?php  $N = 0;  if($OpenDT && $CurrentDT && $Months<=6) {	$N = 1;	echo '<img src="images/check.png" width="25" height="20">';  }?>

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your code has nothing to do with what I want to achieve, you're inserting an image even if $OpenDT=="", and that's not what I want... I only want the image and the $N=1 to only when ($Months<=6)
All I did was to simplify the expression you had there already.And it will not show an image if $OpenDT is an empty string. An empty string evaluates to false in an expression.
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I see...Any idea how I can count in php.. for example, Now that I have $N=1, for everytime the $N gets a 1 (see the second <?php ($Age<=6) also assigns the $N another 1 for a total of 2 now and so forth... How can I count them ? so now I have a new field say $N2 that counts all the $N's

<?php $N=0; if(($OpenDT=="") or ($CurrentDT=="")) {echo "";} elseif($Months<=6) {echo '<img src="images/check.png" width="25" height="20">'; $N=1; } elseif($Months<=12) {echo "";} else {echo "";}?><TD align=center bordercolor='#f6faff'> <?php $N=0; if(($OpenDT=="") or ($CurrentDT=="")) {echo "";} elseif($Age<=6) {echo '<img src="images/check.png" width="25" height="20">'; $N=1; } elseif($Age<=12) {echo "";} else {echo "";}?><TD align=center bordercolor='#f6faff'>

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Do you keep resetting $N to 0 every time? You should be using a running counter here, not resetting it every time. There isn't more than one $N, $N is a single variable with a single value. If you want to use it as a counter then continue to increment it without resetting it each time.

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You should indent your code, then you could see what's going on better:

<?php  $N=0;	if( ($OpenDT=="") or ($CurrentDT=="") ) {		$echo "";	} elseif($Months<=6) {		echo '<img src="images/check.png" width="25" height="20">';		$N=1;	} elseif ($Months<=12) {		echo "";	} else {		echo "";	}?><TD align=center bordercolor='#f6faff'><?php	$N=0;	if( ($OpenDT=="") or ($CurrentDT=="") ) {		echo "";	} elseif ($Age<=6) {		echo '<img src="images/check.png" width="25" height="20">';		$N=1;	} elseif ($Age<=12) {		echo "";	} else {		echo "";	}?><TD align=center bordercolor='#f6faff'>

Do you notice that all thise echo ""; lines are pointless?And these two expressions can be simplified: if( ($OpenDT=="") or ($CurrentDT=="") ) elseif ( $Age<=6 )By using elseif, all you're doing is applying a logical not to the other expression, which means you can simplify it to this:

  if(	!( ($OpenDT=="") or ($CurrentDT=="") )	&&	$Age <= 6  )

It can be further simplified, using de Morgan's laws, into this:

  if(	$OpenDT  or $CurrentDT	&&	$Age <= 6  )

Finally, based off pure logic, you can completely get rid of this part, because it does virtually nothing at all

  elseif ($Age<=12) {		echo "";	} else {		echo "";	}

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