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Making A Wsiwyg Editor For Page.


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Okay so I've search around on google for some insperation to how I should approach this with what method I should use to do this WSIWYG editor.The result was that I found a tutorial for building one. The method is to use a iframe and turn on the editor mode for it. I got some script for turn on and off bold text and so on.I'm not sure how I post this text I wrote in the ifram but I got the feeling that I would get some horrible tags from it instead of my nice looking bbcode layout I got now.So what I asking right now is how do I control this iframe and how do I make it use the bbcode instead of <b> and <u> tags?What if I have a fixed way of how I want Images to behave in size?And the point of all this is that I want to learn how I build this. Need some directions where I should look for solutions?

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