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Images Not Lining Together


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I am using a 960 grid system and have a 960px-wide image that I'm using as a "header" for my page. Instead of plopping the entire image on the page, I'd like to break it up into three pieces so I can link each piece individually. Piece 1 is 310px, piece 2 is 400px, and piece 3 is 250px, totalling 960px.My problem is that when I code each image on the page, like:<img src="1"><img src="2"><img src="3">the third image breaks onto a new line, while the first and second images have no space between them and align correctly.When I plop the entire 960px image onto the page, it fits perfectly.So what is causing the third image to break onto a new line? The single image that fits perfectly is 960px, and these three images total 960px. I don't understand why they can't all fit on one line.Thank you to anyone who can help.

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Not a solution, but you can use image maps to link to portions of a bigger image, instead of splitting it up.

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