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If String Exists In Url Do Something..?


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url = window.location;if(url.indexOf("String to search") >= 0) //IndexOf returns the location of the start of the string. If it is greater then or equal to 0, then it must exist.{	 //do something} else {	 //do something else}

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window.location should hold the value of the current address bar, and you can search it for pertinent values a variety of ways. You can see if window.location.indexof('whatever') != -1If that is true, then it contains the string you're looking for and you can redirect as appropriate:if(window.location.indexof('whatever') != -1) {window.location = 'go_here.html';}If your URL is going to be parameterized, you can split the url by '=':var parameter = split('=', window.location)and then paramter[1] will hold the value of the name-value pair (if there is only one). indexof is the easier method and means you don't need to know as much about the structure of the URLs.

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Guys this doesn't seem to be working for me at all..??And when i visit my pages URL --> "http://my-site.com/index.html?google" nothing happens..??Does the code you guys gave me check the entire URL if "google" exists anywhere in it..??And if it does contain google then redirect to 'http://google.com'...??this is the code on my page..Am I missing something here..??

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">if(window.location.indexof('google') != -1) {window.location = 'http://google.com';}</script></head></html>

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When you say not working, does it just do nothing or do yoou get errors? Perhaps you need to store window.location to a variable, in case the problem is that indexOf is not a method of window.location:

var url = window.location;if(url.indexOf('google') != -1) {window.location = "http://google.com";}

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Ah, you figured it out, good.

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