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President Obama uses RDFa.Keep in mind that RDFa and ARIA make your (X)HTML document invalid, according to the W3C and other validators at least. Certainly not to user-agents.Microformats don't have that defect, but be careful, as it may turn out you're already using a Microformat without realizing it, which may or may not be a good thing.
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I have been considering using the html5 doctype, which will validate using RDFa and ARIA. I believe the issue with RDFa is that XHTML will not validate if the author declares a xmlns CURIE, e.g. xmlns:dc="dublincore..." even though XHTML1.1 should. And ARIA roles invalidate the doc just by including the role attribute. HTML5 however, doesn't have this problem, more than likely this is because the HTML5 DOCTYPE doesn't specify any particular Public identifier or namespace and so is far more flexible.what's the validator support for HTML5 like now?

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