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Reordering Nodes In Xml File With Php


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Hi all, I have an xml file and need to insert a whole bunch of nodes into it as children of a particular node. Here is the file I start with:

<Header Organisation_Name="XXXXXXX" Run_Date="20090127" Run_UserId="PJ421" Version="18">	<NoticeRun Id="81" Run_Name="Journals 7928,7957,8058,8067" Issue_Date="20090129" No_of_Notices="122">		<InstalmentPlan Name="Supp Levies Jan09" Discount_Date_1="20090302" Discount_Percent_1="10.00">			<Instalment Number="1" Due_Date="20090302" />		</InstalmentPlan>		<Group Name="{Ungrouped}" />	</NoticeRun></Header>

I have a whole bunch of xml files named Notice_ID.xml and need to insert them as children of the Group Node. Here is an excerpt from one of the Notice_ID.xml files:

<Notice Id="199187" Sequence="1" Amount="2495.69" Discount_Amount_1="0.00" Discounted_Amount_1="2495.69">	<FormattedNameAddr Line1="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Line2="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Line3="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Line4="XXXXXXXXXXXXX"/>	<Assessments>		<Assessment Id="XXXXX" Is_Duplicate_Notice="0">			<Valuation Type_5="UCV07" Valuation_5="26728" Date_of_Valuation="20061001" Issue_Date="20080311"/>			<Balances>				<Balance Levy_Name="General Rate 19 Comm Title Inv" Levy_Code="04R13" Display_Seq="1" Arrears_Balance="786.81"/>			</Balances>			<Levies>				<Levy Charge_Date="20081219" Levy_Name="Legal Costs" Base_Amount="524.27"/>			</Levies>		</Assessment>	</Assessments></Notice>

And finally, here is an excerpt the code I use to grab each Notice_ID file in order, insert some new attributes, and finally output into one big file.

$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0'); $doc->formatOutput = true;$doc->load('test.xml');$sql = "SELECT BSPKey, Barcode, Notice_ID, Postcode FROM MailMerge ORDER BY BSPKey, Postcode";$result = odbc_exec($dbcnx, $sql);while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($result)) {	$BSPKey = $row['BSPKey'];	$Barcode = $row['Barcode'];	$Notice_ID = $row['Notice_ID'];	$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("notices\\$Notice_ID".".xml", null, true);	$xml->FormattedNameAddr->addAttribute("BSPKey", "$BSPKey");	$xml->FormattedNameAddr->addAttribute("Barcode", "$Barcode");	$domnode = dom_import_simplexml($xml);	$domnode = $doc->importNode($domnode, true);//	$doc->firstChild->appendChild($domnode); //This inserts the nodes as children of <Header>//	$doc->appendChild($domnode); //This inserts the nodes after </Header>	$doc->Header->NoticeRun->Group->appendChild($domnode); //This returns error "Fatal error: Call to a member function appendChild() on a non-object"}echo $doc->saveXML();

As commented in the code, the problem i'm having is inserting the <Notice> nodes in the right place. I want them to be children of the <Group> node, but come up with the error "Fatal error: Call to a member function appendChild() on a non-object". I can use either of the lines above to insert them as either children of Header, or after Header, but that's not what I need. What am I missing? Thanks

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It looks like you're trying to use simpleXML syntax on a DOMDocument, and I don't think that works. You need to use those clunky old DOM methods, like getElementsByTagName. This might work:$doc->getElementsByTagName('Group')->item(0)->appendChild($domnode);If you don't need the extra features of a DOMDocument, maybe it could all be in simpleXML?

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It looks like you're trying to use simpleXML syntax on a DOMDocument, and I don't think that works. You need to use those clunky old DOM methods, like getElementsByTagName. This might work:$doc->getElementsByTagName('Group')->item(0)->appendChild($domnode);If you don't need the extra features of a DOMDocument, maybe it could all be in simpleXML?
Nice one, that worked perfectly!The reason I convert the simplexml into dom is because the xml file i start with has no line breaks and is just one long string. I read somewhere that feeding it to dom and using formatOutput = true was an easy way to format it into nicely indented separate lines. It seems to work well so I'll stick with it for now.Thanks for the help!
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