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Local Testing Fine But Not On Server


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I've encountered a strange problem I haven't seen before.I whipped up a very quick registration/login page that is made up of 2 divs next to each other.These work fine in Firefox and Opera but lo and behold not in IE.Funny thing is if I test this page in IE locally, everything looks fine.However once I upload the files onto the server and look at it normally, there are a number ofstrange problems like it does not space out the list properly, the clearing div doesn't seem towork etc.I found that strange because it is fine locally but not online. Can anyone explain this? It probably even isn't a CSS problem to be fair but I'm not entirelysure what's happening here, thanks in advance!http://cpulse.dmu.ac.uk/login.htmldemo.css

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the most immediate problem that sticks out to me is the number of validation errors on your page. (both HTML and CSS). Maybe try switching to a strict doctype? As far as the spacing goes, in FF it doesn't seem to "line up neatly", as I think that is what you were intending.What version of IE are you using? And how were you spacing out your elements? Are you trying to get all the input boxes to line up in a row?

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