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Awstats Hack


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Hello all.I stumbled upon a handy script today.LINKYHere is the code from that link

<?php$username = 'username';$password = 'password';$url = 'domain.com';$year = date('Y'); /* replace with 4 digit year */ $url = "http://".$username.":".$password."@".$url.":2082/awstats.pl?month=01&year=".$year."&config=".$url."〈=en&framename=mainright&output=main"; $buffer = file_get_contents($url);$buffer = strip_tags($buffer,"<tr><td>"); $regex = "{<tr><td>[0-9A-Za-z\s]*</td><td>([0-9]*)</td><td>([0-9]*)</td><td>([0-9]*)</td><td>([0-9]*)</td><td>([0-9A-Z\.\s]*)</td></tr>\n}";preg_match_all($regex,$buffer,$matches);print_r($matches[1]);?>

This works well, but prints out the results in one line like so...

Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 [4] => 0 [5] => 0 [6] => 3 [7] => 265 [8] => 198 [9] => 345 [10] => 201 [11] => 0 )

How would I go about printing each months results in a format more pleasing to the eyes?At least show me how to print each result out by itself...that would be great.Thank you for your time.

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instead of simply using print_r($matches[1]);, you could foreach through them and then format the results as desired, eg:foreach($matches[1] as $k => $v) {echo "$k: $v<br />";}

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