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Firefox Javascript Does Not Work


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this code with red color does not work on firefox. it works on ie and google chromewhat is the problem please help me...<tr><input type="hidden" name="product_id_<% = counter %>" id="product_id_<% = counter %>" value="<% = rs("product_id") %>"> <td class="a-center" width="20"><a class="a-center" href="?OPERATION=delete&basket_item_id=<%=rs("basket_item_id")%>" title="<%=removes%>"><img src="http://forum.ceviz.net/images/delete.gif" alt="<%=removes%>" /></a></td> <td><a href="product.asp?product_id=<%=rs("product_id")%>" class="product-image" title="<%=rs("title" & language_constant)%>"><img src="<%=rs("img3")%>" height="100" alt="<%=rs("title" & language_constant)%>" /></a></td> <td width="400"> <h3 class="product-name"><a href="product.asp?product_id=<%=rs("product_id")%>"><%=rs("title" & language_constant)%></a></h3> </td> <td class="a-center" width="20"> <div class="cart-price"><span class="price"><%=rs("price")%> TL</span></div><input type="hidden" name="price_each_<% = counter %>" id="price_each_<% = counter %>" value="<%=rs("price")%>"> </td> <td class="a-center" width="20"> <input name="product_count_<% = counter %>" id="product_count_<% = counter %>" value="<%=rs("quantity")%>" size="4" class="input-text qty" maxlength="8" /> </td> <td width="120"> <div class="cart-price"><span class="price"><%= (rs("price") * rs("quantity"))%> TL</span></div> </td> <td class="a-center"> <a href="java script:updateProduct('<% = rs("basket_item_id") %>','<% = counter %>')">update<img src="http://forum.ceviz.net/images/update.gif" border="0"></a> </td></tr><script language="Javascript"> function checkInput(counter, quantity){ if (isNaN(eval('document.all.product_count_' + counter).value) || eval('document.all.product_count_' + counter).value.length == 0){ eval('document.all.product_count_' + counter).value = quantity; } } function updateProduct(basket_item_id, counter){ var session_id = ; var quantity = eval('document.all.product_count_' + counter).value; var width = 300; var height = 150; var y =(screen.availHeight-height)/2; var x =(screen.availWidth-width)/2; window.basketWin = location.href='basket.asp?OPERATION=update&session_id='+session_id+'&basket_item_id='+basket_item_id+'&quantity='+quantity,'basket'; window.basketWin.focus(); } function deleteProduct(basket_item_id){ var width = 300; var height = 150; var y =(screen.availHeight-height)/2; var x =(screen.availWidth-width)/2; window.basketWin = window.open('basket.asp?OPERATION=delete&basket_item_id='+basket_item_id,'basket','toolbar=0, scrollbars=2 ,width='+width+',height='+height+',top=' + y + ',left='+ x); window.basketWin.focus(); } </script>

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document.all is a very old property that Microsoft invented for IE before the adoption of the id property by the W3 standards people. Until now, I thought only IE continued to support it, and I'm surprised to learn that Chrome does. It is non-standard and I don't think it will ever be supported by Mozilla, Webkit, etc. (They would have added it years ago in that case.)If your inputs are part of a form, you can get a reference using document.formname.elementname . But this will not work if the inputs are not part of a form.Using an id property with document.getElementById('myid') is a W3 standard and supported by everyone.

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FWIW, that code overuses the eval() method also. It too was common in the early days, as a work-around for properties that JavaScript and W3 had not invented yet. id properties other DOM properties/methods easily replace it and potentially make for faster code.

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This is not a part of a form.i dont know using document.getElementById property. how can i change my updateProduct function.in my code <tr> to </tr> ; there is a loop for each product , quantity and price.i want to update quantity then after updating quantity, it gets total priceplease help me using function

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Because you have also given an id property to your inputs, I think you can replace this eval('document.all.product_count_' + counter).valuewith this document.getElementById('document.all.product_count_' + counter).valueYou will need to make that change everywhere you use document.all.NOW. This line looks incorrect:window.basketWin = location.href='basket.asp? . . .Should it be:window.basketWin.location.href='basket.asp? . . .This part looks wrong too:. . . '&quantity='+quantity,'basket';That comma doesn't really do anything, and I don't think the word "basket" will be placed anywhere.I have to tell you. This is very old code. Some of your HTML is incorrect, and most of it uses bad-practice. If you are trying to adapt someone else's page to your situation, you might be wise to improve your knowledge and start over.

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i choose my problem like thisfunction updateProduct(operation, basket_item_id, counter){ var session_id = <% = Session_id %>; var quantityz = document.getElementById('product_count_' + counter); var quantity = quantityz.value; var width = 300; var height = 150; var y =(screen.availHeight-height)/2; var x =(screen.availWidth-width)/2; window.basketWin = location.href='basket.asp?OPERATION=update&session_id='+session_id+'&basket_item_id='+basket_item_id+'&quantity='+quantity,'basket'; window.basketWin.focus(); }

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