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Input Type Img

gar onn

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I would like to use an input type image to get the coords clicked (progressed with PHP)<input name="action" id="action" type="image" src="url/to.img"> but... I want to send them with AJAX...anyone some ideas?

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Put an onclick handler on the image, or an onsubmit handler on the form (the onsubmit would probably be better), and in the handler have it write out the event information to the Firebug console and see if the coordinates are included. If it's the onclick handler, you'll probably find the coordinates somewhere in the event object. If it's the onsubmit handler, it might actually create new hidden form elements that have the coordinates. So in the handler send everything you can to the Firebug console, send the event object, any parameters to the handler, the form element, etc. e.g.:

function submit_handler(a, b, c, d){  console.log(a);  console.log(b);  console.log(c);  console.log(d);  console.log(window.event);  console.log(document.getElementById('form_id'));}

In that example, in some browsers the "a" parameter will be the event object, and in others it will be window.event.

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I forgot about something else, when you have a click event I believe that the event handler always includes the coordinates where the event happened, so you should be able to have an onclick handler on any element and get the coordinates from the event object.

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But that gives the coords from tthe windows topleft corner.I 've used this:

<form action='Jfpasout.php' name="action" target="dmp"><input name="coords" id="coords"><br/><input name="action" id="post" type="image" src="testzone.php?img" width="*"> <input name="map_s" value="action"></form><iframe style="display: none;" name="dmp" src="Jfpasout.php"></iframe>

and the PHP of Jfpasout.php

function mapcoordsname($name){$eline="\$value=\$_REQUEST['".$name."_x'].\"|\".\$_REQUEST['".$name."_y'];";eval($eline);return $value;}		$mapname=$_REQUEST['map_s'];		$value=mapcoordsname($mapname);		echo "<script>window.parent.document.".$mapname.".coords.value='$value'</script>";

and that works fine but tnx

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