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[solved] A Few Mysql Questions


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I have a database with about a hundred planets, each with 5 sectors, and on registration I want to assign a user with one of these sectors.I figured I needed an update query that found the first empty sector and filled in the username there. What I've come up with is this:

include("includes/connect.php");$query = "UPDATE sectors SET owner = '$username'WHERE owner = LIMIT 0 , 1";$result = mysql_query($query);

This doesn't do anything at all, and I also need to order the query by 'planet' and 'sector'.Can you help me out please?

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So if I understand this correctly, you have a mysql table with planets that has a column called: "Owner". You want to make a script that automaticly assigns owners from the usertable into the planet table.I think you will have to load both tables completely:

<?phpinclude("includes/connect.php");//Get planets where OwnerID is empty and put them into a array $PlanetList = Array();$sql = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM planets WHERE OwnerID = NULL");while($planets = $db->sql_fetchrow($sql)) {  array_push($PlanetList, $planets );}//Get all Users and loop trough them$sql = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM users");while($users= $db->sql_fetchrow($sql)) {  //loop trough every user and check if there ID numbers already exists in the planet OwnerID list.  if(!in_array($users["UserID"], $planets))  {	 //User doesn't exist on the planetList yet, so put your update query here  }  else  {	echo "This users has already been assigned to one of the planets";  }}?>

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oh I've been unclear... I'm sorry.I want to assign a user to an empty sector on registration. But my query didn't work and I found out why, the LIMIT thing was wrong. (This took around 12 deleted databases to find out, it kept filling my whole list with the same user :))The query:

"UPDATE sectors SET owner = '$username'		WHERE owner ='' LIMIT 1";

works and even picks the first available planet automatically, because my database is set up so that I don't have to order by the sectors and planets.Thanks for the effort anyways!

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