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Little Problem Sending Data Into A Database


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ok so for reading out the files that are inserted into the database i've now written this script:

<?php$query ="SELECT * FROM subpage WHERE subpages='logbook' ORDER BY ID DESC";$fout_query ="houston we have a problem with our query over";$result=mysql_query($query,$db) or die($fout_query);echo "<table border='1'>	  <th>id</th>	  <th>mesages</th>	  <th>yyyy-mm-dd	  <th>files</th>";for ( $i=0; $i<mysql_num_rows($result); $i++){$data=mysql_fetch_array($result);echo "<tr>	<td>".$data["id"]."</td>	<td>".$data["messages"]."</td>	<td>".$data["date"]."</td>	<td>".$data["file"]."</td>	<td> <a href='fileDownload.php?id={$query['id']}\">Download</a> </td>	</tr>";}echo "</table>";?>

now what is the next step i should take, i've found this old script but not sure if it's useful and how to make it work;

<?phpif ($query['id']) {  include "connect.php";  $sql = "SELECT bin_data, filetype, filename, filesize FROM subpages WHERE id_files=$id_files";	  $result = @mysql_query($sql, $db);  $data = @mysql_result($result, 0, "bin_data");  $name = @mysql_result($result, 0, "filename");  $size = @mysql_result($result, 0, "filesize");  $type = @mysql_result($result, 0, "filetype");	  header("Content-type: $type");  header("Content-length: $size");  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name");  header("Content-Description: PHP Generated Data");  echo $data;}?>

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<?php$query ="SELECT * FROM subpage WHERE subpages='logbook' ORDER BY ID DESC";$fout_query ="houston we have a problem with our query over";$result=mysql_query($query,$db) or die($fout_query);echo "<table border='1'>	  <th>id</th>	  <th>mesages</th>	  <th>yyyy-mm-dd	  <th>files</th>";for ( $i=0; $i<mysql_num_rows($result); $i++){$data=mysql_fetch_array($result);echo "<tr>	<td>".$data["id"]."</td>	<td>".$data["messages"]."</td>	<td>".$data["date"]."</td>	<td>".$data["file"]."</td>	<td> <a href='fileDownload.php?id={$query['id']}\">Download</a> </td>	</tr>";}echo "</table>";?>

reach the "fileDownload.php" page and boom undefined variable error ;\ shouldnt the $query['id'] still work on the next page?

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It would now be in the $_GET superglobal array, as you are passing it using GET.

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It would now be in the $_GET superglobal array, as you are passing it using GET.
/facepalm i can't believe i didnt think of that haha thanks Synook. Worst part i was justreading up on the GET function haha. Oh mondays how i hate them
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