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Can Not Perform Load Command


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Hello,this is the part of my PHP code. the goal of the code are delete all existing records from p3_new table and load the new records into the table.the problem is: the delete part works well, but the load part isn't.Could you please point out where is the problem and how to fix it?Thank you,code://delete all records from p3_new;$deleterecords = "TRUNCATE TABLE p3_new"; mysql_query($deleterecords);//load new records into p3_new table;$LOADD= "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE \"C:\\wamp\\www\\MyTest2\\ex_file\\$csvfile\" INTO TABLE mytest.p3_newFIELDS TERMINATED BY \",\" ENCLOSED BY '\"' ESCAPED BY \"\\\" LINES TERMINATED BY \"\r\n\"IGNORE 1 LINES (study_id,family_id,date_visit,wbc,hgb_g_dl,hct_pctg,plt,na,k,cl,co2,Glucose,bun,cr,gfr,hdl,ldl,chol,trigl,hga1c,ma_cr,Comments);";//echo "$LOADD";mysql_query($LOADD);

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