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Rss Feed


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Hi, I've a question, I'll try the leaning lesson for rss and I'll try the enclosure with a wmv small movie but it doesn't work by me on my website hosting. If I put the link on your test page than it's works just fine but if I try it on my web site I just get a paperclip where I can klick on it to see the movie. wat do I wrong ??Can you help out with this. I use the following script :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><!-- Edited by XMLSpy® --><rss version="2.0"><channel><title>Just a test</title><link>http://www.duduf.nl/rss</link><description>just a test</description><item><title>RSS Tutorial</title><link>http://www.duduf.nl/rss</link><description>just testing !!!</description><enclosure url="http://www.duduf.nl/1788.wmv" width="320" height="150"  length="13922304" type="video/wmv" /></item></channel></rss>

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Sometimes hosters won't allow certain file types. Check to see if that is the problem.
I'll try also by an other website hosting and i't doesn't work.... I 'll look all the faq from my hosting and I can't find wat the problem can be.
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I think the paperclip may be the browser's default behaviour.And W3Schools' actual video is a result from them parsing the RSS feed and transforming it to what you see.If you open up the rss file, you have no control over its appearance. You must accept that. If you really want to control its appearance, create a separate non RSS page, which takes the data from the RSS feed, and transforms it to whatever you want.

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I think the paperclip may be the browser's default behaviour.And W3Schools' actual video is a result from them parsing the RSS feed and transforming it to what you see.If you open up the rss file, you have no control over its appearance. You must accept that. If you really want to control its appearance, create a separate non RSS page, which takes the data from the RSS feed, and transforms it to whatever you want.
Oke I see, I wil try... thanks so far..
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