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Booking form Select Date


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ok i got my booking form http://music0202.atspace.com/online2.htmheres the php for my booking form:

<?php	$successPage = "http://medussa.atspace.com/contactok.html";	$failPage = "http://medussa.atspace.com/contactfail.html";	$targetEmail = "b_e_n04@hotmail.com";	if( !isset( $_POST[ 'sendcontact'])) {  header( 'Location: ' . $failPage);    exit( );	} else {  $contactName = strlen( $_POST[ 'custName']) > 0  ? $_POST[ 'custName'] : false;                 if( !eregi( "^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)+$", $_POST[ 'custEmail']))            $contactEmail = false;        else               $contactEmail = $_POST[ 'custEmail'];  $contactPhone = isset( $_POST[ 'custContact']) && strlen( $_POST[ 'custContact']) > 10 ? $_POST[ 'custContact'] : false;  $contactGuests = isset( $_POST[ 'custNum']) ? $_POST[ 'custNum'] : false;  $contactDate = isset( $_POST[ 'custDate']) ? $_POST[ 'custDate'] : false;        $contactMessage = strlen( $_POST[ 'custComment']) > 5 ? $_POST[ 'custComment'] : false;                if( $contactName && $contactEmail && $contactPhone && $contactGuests && $contactDate) {            // We want to process this request and try and send it            $header = 'From:' . $contactEmail . "\r\n" .  // This allows us to reply to the message directly 	 'Reply-To: ' . $contactEmail . "\r\n" .  	 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion( );   	  	 $message = "Customer Name: " . $contactName . "\n" .       "Phone #: " . $contactPhone . "\n" .       "Email: " . $contactEmail . "\n" .       "Estimated Guests: " . $contactGuests . "\n" .       "Date Requested: " . $contactDate . "\n" .      "Comments: \n" . $contactMessage . "\r\n";       	 if( mail( $targetEmail, "Order Request", $message, $header)) {                header( 'Location: ' . $successPage);            }else{                header( 'Location: ' . $failPage);                                exit( );            }              } else { 	 header( 'Location: ' . $failPage); 	  	 exit( );  }	}?>

when i try to submit the form im taking to my error page, would anyone know the problem with my php code or even htmlid really appreciate if someone could find out my problem please

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Hi Ben, had a look at your page and found it easier to start the php again :) I have stripped it right back, it will return incomplete if the fields are empty and print the details if its ok.Let me know what you want it to do next.save as form.php and run at server

<?php ini_set ('display_errors', 1);error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);// Check if the form has been submitted.if ( isset ($_POST['submit'])) {$customer=$_POST['custName'];$customerEmail=$_POST['custEmail'];$customerContact=$_POST['custContact'];$customerNumber=$_POST['custNum'];$customerComment=$_POST['custComment'];$validEmail=true;if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $customerEmail)) {  }else {$validEmail=false;}  if(($customer==null)||($validEmail==false)||($customerContact==null)||($customerComment==null))  {    print"Form Incomplete, press back to return to form";  }  else  {   print "<h1>Congratulations, Form Complete</h1>	  <p>Customer Name: $customer</p>	  <p>Customer Email: $customerEmail</p>	  <p>Customer Contact: $customerContact</p>	  <p>Customer Number: $customerNumber</p>	  <p>Customer Comment: $customerComment</p>       ";  }} else {       // Display the form.	       print 'Book OnlineUse the booking form below to submit your booking for a night out at Medussa Brixton. Please        ensure all fields are filled out correctly. You will be contacted within twenty-four hours via phone to confirm your booking. Please leave any additional information in the comments box.<form name="sampleform" action="form.php" method="post">Name <input type="text" name="custName" size="25" maxlength="35" /><br />Email <input type="text" name="custEmail" size="35" maxlength="100" /><br />Contact <input type="text" name="custContact" size="20" maxlength="20" /><br />Customer Number<select name="custNum">				<option value="1-10">1-10</option>				<option value="11-15">11-15</option>				<option value="16-20">16-20</option>				<option value="21-30">21-30</option>				<option value="31-40">31-40</option>				<option value="41-50">41-50</option>				<option value="51-60">51-60</option>				<option value="61-70">61-70</option>				<option value="71-80">71-80</option>					<option value="81-90">81-90</option>					<option value="91-100">91-100</option>					<option value="100+">100+</option>			  </select>		<br />Customer Comment<textarea name="custComment"></textarea><br /><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" />	<input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" /> </form>';}?>

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I dont have email set up with php, but im currently trying.Try this and let me know if it works.

<?php ini_set ('display_errors', 1);error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);// Check if the form has been submitted.if ( isset ($_POST['submit'])) {$customer=$_POST['custName'];$customerEmail=$_POST['custEmail'];$customerContact=$_POST['custContact'];$customerNumber=$_POST['custNum'];$customerComment=$_POST['custComment'];$validEmail=true;if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $customerEmail)) {  }else {$validEmail=false;}  if(($customer==null)||($validEmail==false)||($customerContact==null)||($customerComment==null))  {    print"Form Incomplete, press back to return to form";  }  else  {      mail('me@me.com','subject','$customer $customerContact $customerNumber $customerComment','From:$customerEmail');   print "<h1>Congratulations, Form Complete</h1>	  <p>Customer Name: $customer</p>	  <p>Customer Email: $customerEmail</p>	  <p>Customer Contact: $customerContact</p>	  <p>Customer Number: $customerNumber</p>	  <p>Customer Comment: $customerComment</p>       ";  }} else {       // Display the form.	       print 'Book OnlineUse the booking form below to submit your booking for a night out at Medussa Brixton. Please        ensure all fields are filled out correctly. You will be contacted within twenty-four hours via phone to confirm your booking. Please leave any additional information in the comments box.<form name="sampleform" action="form.php" method="post">Name <input type="text" name="custName" size="25" maxlength="35" /><br />Email <input type="text" name="custEmail" size="35" maxlength="100" /><br />Contact <input type="text" name="custContact" size="20" maxlength="20" /><br />Customer Number<select name="custNum">				<option value="1-10">1-10</option>				<option value="11-15">11-15</option>				<option value="16-20">16-20</option>				<option value="21-30">21-30</option>				<option value="31-40">31-40</option>				<option value="41-50">41-50</option>				<option value="51-60">51-60</option>				<option value="61-70">61-70</option>				<option value="71-80">71-80</option>					<option value="81-90">81-90</option>					<option value="91-100">91-100</option>					<option value="100+">100+</option>			  </select>		<br />Customer Comment<textarea name="custComment"></textarea><br /><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" />	<input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" /> </form>';}?>

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Thanx choco, i've been having terrible trouble. I changed my php.ini file to allow SMTP and then crash, nothing works :) i've lost all my scripts and knackered the mysql connection.I've uninstalled php, apache and mysql and managed to get php and apache working, still no joy with the mail() thought. Ive changed my settings in outlook as advised by my ISP so that outgoing SMTP doesn't require authentication but no joyExcuse me while i just fling this pc out the window cause im enraged. :)

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It's like the blind leading the blind mate, i have no way of testing the mail() code but hopefully one of these two will workif one does work let me know which one so we can continue with it. :)

<?php ini_set ('display_errors', 1);error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);// Check if the form has been submitted.if ( isset ($_POST['submit'])) {$customer=$_POST['custName'];$customerEmail=$_POST['custEmail'];$customerContact=$_POST['custContact'];$customerNumber=$_POST['custNum'];$customerComment=$_POST['custComment'];$validEmail=true;if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $customerEmail)) {  }else {$validEmail=false;}   if(($customer==null)||($validEmail==false)||($customerContact==null)||($customerComment==null)) {    print"Form Incomplete, press back to return to form"; }   else   {      mail("me@me.com","subject","$customer $customerContact $customerNumber $customerComment","From:$customerEmail");   print "<h1>Congratulations, Form Complete</h1>	  <p>Customer Name: $customer</p>	  <p>Customer Email: $customerEmail</p>	  <p>Customer Contact: $customerContact</p>	  <p>Customer Number: $customerNumber</p>	  <p>Customer Comment: $customerComment</p>          ";  }} else {       // Display the form.print 'Book OnlineUse the booking form below to submit your booking for a night out at Medussa Brixton. Please        ensure all fields are filled out correctly. You will be contacted within twenty-four hours via phone to confirm your booking. Please leave any additional information in the comments box.<form name="sampleform" action="form.php" method="post">Name <input type="text" name="custName" size="25" maxlength="35" /><br />Email <input type="text" name="custEmail" size="35" maxlength="100" /><br />Contact <input type="text" name="custContact" size="20" maxlength="20" /><br />Customer Number<select name="custNum"><option value="1-10">1-10</option><option value="11-15">11-15</option><option value="16-20">16-20</option><option value="21-30">21-30</option><option value="31-40">31-40</option><option value="41-50">41-50</option><option value="51-60">51-60</option><option value="61-70">61-70</option><option value="71-80">71-80</option><option value="81-90">81-90</option><option value="91-100">91-100</option><option value="100+">100+</option></select><br />Customer Comment<textarea name="custComment"></textarea><br /><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" /><input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" /></form>';}?>


<?php ini_set ('display_errors', 1);error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);// Check if the form has been submitted.if ( isset ($_POST['submit'])) {$customer=$_POST['custName'];$customerEmail=$_POST['custEmail'];$customerContact=$_POST['custContact'];$customerNumber=$_POST['custNum'];$customerComment=$_POST['custComment'];$validEmail=true;if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $customerEmail)) {  }else {$validEmail=false;}   if(($customer==null)||($validEmail==false)||($customerContact==null)||($customerComment==null)) {    print"Form Incomplete, press back to return to form"; }   else   {$msg = "$customer  $customerContact  $customerNumber  $customerComment";     mail('me@me.com','subject',$msg,"From:$customerEmail");   print "<h1>Congratulations, Form Complete</h1>	  <p>Customer Name: $customer</p>	  <p>Customer Email: $customerEmail</p>	  <p>Customer Contact: $customerContact</p>	  <p>Customer Number: $customerNumber</p>	  <p>Customer Comment: $customerComment</p>          ";  }} else {       // Display the form.print 'Book OnlineUse the booking form below to submit your booking for a night out at Medussa Brixton. Please        ensure all fields are filled out correctly. You will be contacted within twenty-four hours via phone to confirm your booking. Please leave any additional information in the comments box.<form name="sampleform" action="form.php" method="post">Name <input type="text" name="custName" size="25" maxlength="35" /><br />Email <input type="text" name="custEmail" size="35" maxlength="100" /><br />Contact <input type="text" name="custContact" size="20" maxlength="20" /><br />Customer Number<select name="custNum"><option value="1-10">1-10</option><option value="11-15">11-15</option><option value="16-20">16-20</option><option value="21-30">21-30</option><option value="31-40">31-40</option><option value="41-50">41-50</option><option value="51-60">51-60</option><option value="61-70">61-70</option><option value="71-80">71-80</option><option value="81-90">81-90</option><option value="91-100">91-100</option><option value="100+">100+</option></select><br />Customer Comment<textarea name="custComment"></textarea><br /><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" /><input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" /></form>';}?>

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Well done, glad it's running ok, i sent you an email so you should hopefully receive it. Yes you can add style, use the template below.<head><style> put all your style attributes here</style></head><body><?php put the php code from earlier in here?></body>

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oops no worries it did work...this morning i opened my email to find 38 emails one of them being

from:scott@scott.comCustomer Name: Scott Wilson Customer Number: 3165165161 People expected: 11-15Date booked for: 61561561 Customer Comments: Test
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now what i wanted to do is have a calendar, users click a link that opens up a calendar and they choose a date from the calendar which automatically is entered into the date form.i had a script eralier but that did not seem to work any ideas?

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<head><script language="javascript">var fontFace="verdana";var fontSize=9;var titleWidth=90;var titleMode=1;var dayWidth=12;var dayDigits=1;var titleColor="#cccccc";var daysColor="#cccccc";var bodyColor="#ffffff";var dayColor="#ffffff";var currentDayColor="#333333";var footColor="#cccccc";var borderColor="#333333";var titleFontColor = "#333333";var daysFontColor = "#333333";var dayFontColor = "#333333";var currentDayFontColor = "#ffffff";var footFontColor = "#333333";var calFormat = "yyyy/mm/dd";var weekDay = 0;// ------// codesvar calWidth=200, calHeight=200, calOffsetX=-200, calOffsetY=16;var calWin=null;var winX=0, winY=0;var cal="cal";var cals=new Array();var currentCal=null;var yxMonths=new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");var yxDays=new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday");var yxLinks=new Array("[close]", "[clear]");var nav=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();;var isOpera=(nav.indexOf("opera")!=-1)?true:false;var isOpera5=(nav.indexOf("opera 5")!=-1 || nav.indexOf("opera/5")!=-1)?true:false;var isOpera6=(isOpera && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=6)?true:false;var isN6=(nav.indexOf("gecko")!=-1);var isN4=(document.layers)?true:false;var isMac=(nav.indexOf("mac")!=-1);var isIE=(document.all && !isOpera && (!isMac || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4")==-1))?true:false;if (isN4) {  fontSize+=2;}var span2="</span>";function span1(tag) {  return "<span class='"+tag+"'>";}function spanx(tag, color) {  return "."+tag+" { font-family:"+fontFace+"; font-size:"+fontSize+"px; color:"+color+"; }\n";}function a1(tag) {  return "<a class='"+tag+"' href=";}function ax(tag, color) {  return "."+tag+" { text-decoration:none; color:"+color+"; }\n";}function calOBJ(name, title, field, form) {  this.name = name;  this.title = title;  this.field = field;  this.formName = form;  this.form = null}function setFont(font, size) {  if (font != "") {    fontFace=font;  }  if (size > 0) {    fontSize=size;    if (isN4) {      fontSize+=2;    }  }}function setWidth(tWidth, tMode, dWidth, dDigits) {  if (tWidth > 0) {    titleWidth=tWidth;  }  if (tMode == 1 || tMode == 2) {    titleMode=tMode;  }  if (dWidth > 0) {    dayWidth=dWidth;  }  if (dDigits > 0) {    dayDigits=dDigits;  }}function setColor(tColor, dsColor, bColor, dColor, cdColor, fColor, bdColor) {  if (tColor != "") {    titleColor=tColor;  }  if (dsColor != "") {    daysColor=dsColor;  }  if (bColor != "") {    bodyColor=bColor;  }  if (dColor != "") {    dayColor=dColor;  }  if (cdColor != "") {    currentDayColor=cdColor;  }  if (fColor != "") {    footColor=fColor;  }  if (bdColor != "") {    borderColor=bdColor;  }}function setFontColor(tColorFont, dsColorFont, dColorFont, cdColorFont, fColorFont) {  if (tColorFont != "") {    titleFontColor=tColorFont;  }  if (dsColorFont != "") {    daysFontColor=dsColorFont;  }  if (dColorFont != "") {    dayFontColor=dColorFont;  }  if (cdColorFont != "") {    currentDayFontColor=cdColorFont;  }  if (fColorFont != "") {    footFontColor=fColorFont;  }}function setFormat(format) {  calFormat = format;}function setSize(width, height, ox, oy) {  if (width > 0) {    calWidth=width;  }  if (height > 0) {    calHeight=height;  }  calOffsetX=ox;  calOffsetY=oy;}function setWeekDay(wDay) {  if (wDay == 0 || wDay == 1) {    weekDay = wDay;  }}function setMonthNames(janName, febName, marName, aprName, mayName, junName, julName, augName, sepName, octName, novName, decName) {  if (janName != "") {    yxMonths[0] = janName;  }  if (febName != "") {    yxMonths[1] = febName;  }  if (marName != "") {    yxMonths[2] = marName;  }  if (aprName != "") {    yxMonths[3] = aprName;  }  if (mayName != "") {    yxMonths[4] = mayName;  }  if (junName != "") {    yxMonths[5] = junName;  }  if (julName != "") {    yxMonths[6] = julName;  }  if (augName != "") {    yxMonths[7] = augName;  }  if (sepName != "") {    yxMonths[8] = sepName;  }  if (octName != "") {    yxMonths[9] = octName;  }  if (novName != "") {    yxMonths[10] = novName;  }  if (decName != "") {    yxMonths[11] = decName;  }}function setDayNames(sunName, monName, tueName, wedName, thuName, friName, satName) {  if (sunName != "") {    yxDays[0] = sunName;    yxDays[7] = sunName;  }  if (monName != "") {    yxDays[1] = monName;  }  if (tueName != "") {    yxDays[2] = tueName;  }  if (wedName != "") {    yxDays[3] = wedName;  }  if (thuName != "") {    yxDays[4] = thuName;  }  if (friName != "") {    yxDays[5] = friName;  }  if (satName != "") {    yxDays[6] = satName;  }}function setLinkNames(closeLink, clearLink) {  if (closeLink != "") {    yxLinks[0] = closeLink;  }  if (clearLink != "") {    yxLinks[1] = clearLink;  }}function addCalendar(name, title, field, form) {  cals[cals.length] = new calOBJ(name, title, field, form);}function findCalendar(name) {  for (var i = 0; i < cals.length; i++) {    if (cals[i].name == name) {      if (cals[i].form == null) {        if (cals[i].formName == "") {          if (document.forms[0]) {            cals[i].form = document.forms[0];          }        }        else if (document.forms[cals[i].formName]) {          cals[i].form = document.forms[cals[i].formName];        }      }      return cals[i];    }  }  return null;}function getDayName(y,m,d) {  var wd=new Date(y,m,d);  return yxDays[wd.getDay()].substring(0,3);}function getMonthFromName(m3) {  for (var i = 0; i < yxMonths.length; i++) {    if (yxMonths[i].toLowerCase().substring(0,3) == m3.toLowerCase()) {      return i;    }  }  return 0;}function getFormat() {  var calF = calFormat;  calF = calF.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');  calF = calF.replace(/\//g, '\\\/');  calF = calF.replace(/\[/g, '\\\[');  calF = calF.replace(/\]/g, '\\\]');  calF = calF.replace(/\(/g, '\\\(');  calF = calF.replace(/\)/g, '\\\)');  calF = calF.replace(/\{/g, '\\\{');  calF = calF.replace(/\}/g, '\\\}');  calF = calF.replace(/\</g, '\\\<');  calF = calF.replace(/\>/g, '\\\>');  calF = calF.replace(/\|/g, '\\\|');  calF = calF.replace(/\*/g, '\\\*');  calF = calF.replace(/\?/g, '\\\?');  calF = calF.replace(/\+/g, '\\\+');  calF = calF.replace(/\^/g, '\\\^');  calF = calF.replace(/\$/g, '\\\$');  calF = calF.replace(/dd/i, '\\d\\d');  calF = calF.replace(/mm/i, '\\d\\d');  calF = calF.replace(/yyyy/i, '\\d\\d\\d\\d');  calF = calF.replace(/day/i, '\\w\\w\\w');  calF = calF.replace(/mon/i, '\\w\\w\\w');  return new RegExp(calF);}function getDateNumbers(date) {  var y, m, d;  var yIdx = calFormat.search(/yyyy/i);  var mIdx = calFormat.search(/mm/i);  var m3Idx = calFormat.search(/mon/i);  var dIdx = calFormat.search(/dd/i);  y=date.substring(yIdx,yIdx+4)-0;  if (mIdx != -1) {    m=date.substring(mIdx,mIdx+2)-1;  }  else {    var m = getMonthFromName(date.substring(m3Idx,m3Idx+3));  }  d=date.substring(dIdx,dIdx+2)-0;  return new Array(y,m,d);}function hideCal() {  calWin.close();  calWin = null;  window.status = "";}function getLeftIE(x,m) {  var dx=0;  if (x.tagName=="TD"){    dx=x.offsetLeft;  }  else if (x.tagName=="TABLE") {    dx=x.offsetLeft;    if (m) { dx+=(x.cellPadding!=""?parseInt(x.cellPadding):2); m=false; }  }  return dx+(x.parentElement.tagName=="BODY"?0:getLeftIE(x.parentElement,m));}function getTopIE(x,m) {  var dy=0;  if (x.tagName=="TR"){    dy=x.offsetTop;  }  else if (x.tagName=="TABLE") {    dy=x.offsetTop;    if (m) { dy+=(x.cellPadding!=""?parseInt(x.cellPadding):2); m=false; }  }  return dy+(x.parentElement.tagName=="BODY"?0:getTopIE(x.parentElement,m));}function getLeftN4(l) { return l.pageX; }function getTopN4(l) { return l.pageY; }function getLeftN6(l) { return l.offsetLeft; }function getTopN6(l) { return l.offsetTop; }function lastDay(d) {  var yy=d.getFullYear(), mm=d.getMonth();  for (var i=31; i>=28; i--) {    var nd=new Date(yy,mm,i);    if (mm == nd.getMonth()) {      return i;    }  }}function firstDay(d) {  var yy=d.getFullYear(), mm=d.getMonth();  var fd=new Date(yy,mm,1);  return fd.getDay();}function dayDisplay(i) {  if (dayDigits == 0) {    return yxDays[i];  }  else {    return yxDays[i].substring(0,dayDigits);  }}function calTitle(d) {  var yy=d.getFullYear(), mm=yxMonths[d.getMonth()];  var s;  if (titleMode == 2) {    s="<tr align='center' bgcolor='"+titleColor+"'><td colspan='7'>\n<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'><tr align='center' valign='middle'><td align='right'>"+span1("title")+"<b>"+a1("titlea")+"'java script:if(window.opener && !window.opener.closed && window.opener.moveYear) window.opener.moveYear(-10)'> «</a> "+a1("titlea")+"'java script:if(window.opener && !window.opener.closed && window.opener.moveYear) window.opener.moveYear(-1)'> </a></b>"+span2+"</td><td width='"+titleWidth+"'><b>"+span1("title")+yy+span2+"</b></td><td align='left'>"+span1("title")+"<b>"+a1("titlea")+"'java script:if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed && window.opener.moveYear) window.opener.moveYear(1)'> </a> "+a1("titlea")+"'java script:if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed && window.opener.moveYear) window.opener.moveYear(10)'>» </a></b>"+span2+"</td></tr><tr align='center' valign='middle'><td align='right'>"+span1("title")+"<b>"+a1("titlea")+"'java script:if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed && window.opener.prepMonth) window.opener.prepMonth("+d.getMonth()+")'>  </a></b>"+span2+"</td><td width='"+titleWidth+"'><b>"+span1("title")+mm+span2+"</b></td><td align='left'>"+span1("title")+"<b>"+a1("titlea")+"'java script:if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed && window.opener.nextMonth) window.opener.nextMonth("+d.getMonth()+")'>  </a></b>"+span2+"</td></tr></table>\n</td></tr><tr align='center' bgcolor='"+daysColor+"'>"; 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i++) {    s+="<td width='"+dayWidth+"'>"+span1("days")+dayDisplay(i)+span2+"</td>";  }  s+="</tr>";  return s;}function calHeader() {  return "<head>\n<title>"+currentCal.title+"</title>\n<style type='text/css'>\n"+spanx("title",titleFontColor)+spanx("days",daysFontColor)+spanx("foot",footColor)+spanx("day",dayFontColor)+spanx("currentDay",currentDayFontColor)+ax("titlea",titleFontColor)+ax("daya",dayFontColor)+ax("currenta",currentDayFontColor)+ax("foota",footFontColor)+"</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<table align='center' border='0' bgcolor='"+borderColor+"' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'><tr><td>\n<table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' border='0'>";}function calFooter() {  return "<tr bgcolor='"+footColor+"'><td colspan='7' align='center'>"+span1("foot")+"<b>"+a1("foota")+"'java script:if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed && window.opener.hideCal) window.opener.hideCal()'>"+yxLinks[0]+"</a>  "+a1("foota")+"'java script:if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed && window.opener.clearDate) window.opener.clearDate()'>"+yxLinks[1]+"</a></b>"+span2+"</td></tr></table>\n</td></tr></table>\n</body>";}function calBody(d,day) {  var s="", dayCount=1, fd=firstDay(d), ld=lastDay(d); 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 changeCal(nd);}function changeCal(d) {  var dd = 0;  if (currentCal != null) {    var calRE = getFormat();    if (currentCal.form[currentCal.field].value!="" && calRE.test(currentCal.form[currentCal.field].value)) {      var cd = getDateNumbers(currentCal.form[currentCal.field].value);      if (cd[0] == d.getFullYear() && cd[1] == d.getMonth()) {        dd=cd[2];      }    }    else {      var cd = new Date();      if (cd.getFullYear() == d.getFullYear() && cd.getMonth() == d.getMonth()) {        dd=cd.getDate();      }    }  }  var calendar=calHeader()+calTitle(d)+calBody(d,dd)+calFooter();  calWin.document.open();  calWin.document.write(calendar);  calWin.document.close();}function markClick(e) {  if (isIE || isOpera6) {    winX=event.screenX;    winY=event.screenY;  }  else if (isN4 || isN6) {    winX=e.screenX;    winY=e.screenY;    document.routeEvent(e);  }  if (isN4 || isN6) {     document.routeEvent(e);   }   else {     event.cancelBubble=false;   }   return true;}function showCal(name) {  var lastCal=currentCal;  var d=new Date(), hasCal=false;  currentCal = findCalendar(name);  if (currentCal != null && currentCal.form != null && currentCal.form[currentCal.field]) {    var calRE = getFormat();    if (currentCal.form[currentCal.field].value!="" && calRE.test(currentCal.form[currentCal.field].value)) {      var cd = getDateNumbers(currentCal.form[currentCal.field].value);      d=new Date(cd[0],cd[1],cd[2]);      cY=cd[0];      cM=cd[1];      dd=cd[2];    }    else {      cY=d.getFullYear();      cM=d.getMonth();      dd=d.getDate();    }    var calendar=calHeader()+calTitle(d)+calBody(d,dd)+calFooter();    if (calWin != null && typeof(calWin.closed)!="undefined" && !calWin.closed) {      hasCal=true;      calWin.moveTo(winX+calOffsetX,winY+calOffsetY);    }    if (!hasCal) {      if (isIE || isOpera6) {        calWin=window.open("","cal","toolbar=0,width="+calWidth+",height="+calHeight+",left="+(winX+calOffsetX)+",top="+(winY+calOffsetY));      }      else {        calWin=window.open("","cal","toolbar=0,width="+calWidth+",height="+calHeight+",screenx="+(winX+calOffsetX)+",screeny="+(winY+calOffsetY));      }    }    calWin.document.open();    calWin.document.write(calendar);    calWin.document.close();    calWin.focus();  }  else {    if (currentCal == null) {      window.status = "Calendar ["+name+"] not found.";    }    else if (!currentCal.form) {      window.status = "Form ["+currentCal.formName+"] not found.";    }    else if (!currentCal.form[currentCal.field]) {      window.status = "Form Field ["+currentCal.formName+"."+currentCal.field+"] not found.";    }    if (lastCal != null) {      currentCal = lastCal;    }  }}function get2Digits(n) {  return ((n<10)?"0":"")+n;}function clearDate() {  currentCal.form[currentCal.field].value="";  hideCal();}function pickDate(d) {  hideCal();  window.focus();  var date=calFormat;  date = date.replace(/yyyy/i, cY);  date = date.replace(/mm/i, get2Digits(cM+1));  date = date.replace(/MON/, yxMonths[cM].substring(0,3).toUpperCase());  date = date.replace(/Mon/i, yxMonths[cM].substring(0,3));  date = date.replace(/dd/i, get2Digits(d));  date = date.replace(/DAY/, getDayName(cY,cM,d).toUpperCase());  date = date.replace(/day/i, getDayName(cY,cM,d));  currentCal.form[currentCal.field].value=date;  // IE5/Mac needs focus to show the value, weird.  currentCal.form[currentCal.field].focus();}// ------// user functionsfunction checkDate(name) {  var thisCal = findCalendar(name);  if (thisCal != null && thisCal.form != null && thisCal.form[thisCal.field]) {    var calRE = getFormat();    if (calRE.test(thisCal.form[thisCal.field].value)) {      return 0;    }    else {      return 1;    }  }  else {    return 2;  }}function getCurrentDate() {  var date=calFormat, d = new Date();  date = date.replace(/yyyy/i, d.getFullYear());  date = date.replace(/mm/i, get2Digits(d.getMonth()+1));  date = date.replace(/dd/i, get2Digits(d.getDate()));  return date;}function compareDates(date1, date2) {  var calRE = getFormat();  var d1, d2;  if (calRE.test(date1)) {    d1 = getNumbers(date1);  }  else {    d1 = getNumbers(getCurrentDate());  }  if (calRE.test(date2)) {    d2 = getNumbers(date2);  }  else {    d2 = getNumbers(getCurrentDate());  }  var dStr1 = d1[0] + "" + d1[1] + "" + d1[2];  var dStr2 = d2[0] + "" + d2[1] + "" + d2[2];  if (dStr1 == dStr2) {    return 0;  }  else if (dStr1 > dStr2) {    return 1;  }  else {    return -1;  }}function getNumbers(date) {  var calRE = getFormat();  var y, m, d;  if (calRE.test(date)) {    var yIdx = calFormat.search(/yyyy/i);    var mIdx = calFormat.search(/mm/i);    var m3Idx = calFormat.search(/mon/i);    var dIdx = calFormat.search(/dd/i);    y=date.substring(yIdx,yIdx+4);    if (mIdx != -1) {      m=date.substring(mIdx,mIdx+2);    }    else {      var mm=getMonthFromName(date.substring(m3Idx,m3Idx+3))+1;      m=(mm<10)?("0"+mm)""+mm);    }    d=date.substring(dIdx,dIdx+2);    return new Array(y,m,d);  }  else {    return new Array("", "", "");  }}// ------if (isN4 || isN6) {  document.captureEvents(Event.CLICK);}document.onclick=markClick;//Define calendar(s): addCalendar ("Unique Calendar Name", "Window title", "Form element's name", Form name")addCalendar("Calendar1", "Select Date", "firstinput", "sampleform");addCalendar("Calendar2", "Select Date", "secondinput", "sampleform");// default settings for English// Uncomment desired lines and modify its values// setFont("verdana", 9); 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 }   if(($customer==null)||($validEmail==false)||($customerContact==null)||($customerComment==null)||($theDate==null)) {    print"Form Incomplete, press back to return to form"; }else   {      mail("me@me.com","subject","$customer $customerContact $customerNumber $customerComment","From:$customerEmail");   print "<h1>Congratulations, Form Complete</h1>	  <p>Customer Name: $customer</p>	  <p>Customer Email: $customerEmail</p>	  <p>Customer Contact: $customerContact</p>	  <p>Customer Number: $customerNumber</p>	  <p>Customer Comment: $customerComment</p>          ";}} else {       // Display the form.print 'Book Online Use the booking form below to submit your booking for a night out at Medussa Brixton. Please        ensure all fields are filled out correctly. You will be contacted within twenty-four hours via phone to confirm your booking. Please leave any additional information in the comments box.<form name="sampleform" action="form.php" method="post">Name <input type="text" name="custName" size="25" maxlength="35" /><br />Email <input type="text" name="custEmail" size="35" maxlength="100" /><br />Contact <input type="text" name="custContact" size="20" maxlength="20" /><br />Customer Number<select name="custNum"><option value="1-10">1-10</option><option value="11-15">11-15</option><option value="16-20">16-20</option><option value="21-30">21-30</option><option value="31-40">31-40</option><option value="41-50">41-50</option><option value="51-60">51-60</option><option value="61-70">61-70</option><option value="71-80">71-80</option><option value="81-90">81-90</option><option value="91-100">91-100</option><option value="100+">100+</option></select><br /><input type="text" name="firstinput" size=20> <small><a href="java script:showCal('Calendar1')">Select Date</a></small>Customer Comment<textarea name="custComment"></textarea><br /><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" /><input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" /></form>';}?></body>

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there must be to much cr@p to process.ok, you'll have to do some work at your enddownload the zip from dynamic drive: xinpopcalendar.ziphttp://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex6/popcalendar2.htmextract it and copy cal_conf2.js and cal2.js into the same folder as the php scriptnew php code:

<head><script language="javascript" src="cal2.js">/*Xin's Popup calendar script-  Xin Yang (http://www.yxscripts.com/)Script featured on/available at [url="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/"]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/[/url]This notice must stay intact for use*/</script><script language="javascript" src="cal_conf2.js"></script></head><body><?php ini_set ('display_errors', 1);error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);// Check if the form has been submitted.if ( isset ($_POST['submit'])) {$customer=$_POST['custName'];$customerEmail=$_POST['custEmail'];$customerContact=$_POST['custContact'];$customerNumber=$_POST['custNum'];$customerComment=$_POST['custComment'];$theDate=$_POST['firstinput'];$validEmail=true;if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $customerEmail)) {  }else {$validEmail=false;}   if(($customer==null)||($validEmail==false)||($customerContact==null)||($customerComment==null)||($theDate==null)) {    print"Form Incomplete, press back to return to form"; }   else   {      mail("me@me.com","subject","$customer $customerContact $customerNumber $customerComment","From:$customerEmail");   print "<h1>Congratulations, Form Complete</h1>	  <p>Customer Name: $customer</p>	  <p>Customer Email: $customerEmail</p>	  <p>Customer Contact: $customerContact</p>	  <p>Customer Number: $customerNumber</p>	  <p>Customer Comment: $customerComment</p>          ";  }} else {       // Display the form.print 'Book OnlineUse the booking form below to submit your booking for a night out at Medussa Brixton. Please        ensure all fields are filled out correctly. You will be contacted within twenty-four hours via phone to confirm your booking. Please leave any additional information in the comments box.<form name="sampleform" action="form.php" method="post">Name <input type="text" name="custName" size="25" maxlength="35" /><br />Email <input type="text" name="custEmail" size="35" maxlength="100" /><br />Contact <input type="text" name="custContact" size="20" maxlength="20" /><br />Customer Number<select name="custNum"><option value="1-10">1-10</option><option value="11-15">11-15</option><option value="16-20">16-20</option><option value="21-30">21-30</option><option value="31-40">31-40</option><option value="41-50">41-50</option><option value="51-60">51-60</option><option value="61-70">61-70</option><option value="71-80">71-80</option><option value="81-90">81-90</option><option value="91-100">91-100</option><option value="100+">100+</option></select><br /><input type="text" name="firstinput" size=20> <small><a href="java script:showCal('Calendar1')">Select Date</a></small>Customer Comment<textarea name="custComment"></textarea><br /><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" /><input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" /></form>';}?></body>

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