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Loading Data Sets


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I'm trying to allow the user to load in different data sets based on what buttons they click.

<input type='button' id='promo1' value='1086' onclick='getPromo(this.value);' /><input type='button' id='promo2' value='1087' onclick='getPromo(this.value);' />

var tmp_1086 = "item1,item2,item3"var tmp_1087 = "item1,item3,item3"function getPromo(data){var promoData = tmp_+data.split(",")//then do something with the array}

Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work. If a user were to pick 'promo1' all I get back is "tmp_1086".

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try evaluating that object to return the array like follows:

var tmp_1086 = "item1,item2,item3"var tmp_1087 = "item1,item3,item3"function getPromo(data){var promoData = eval("tmp_"+data.split(","));//then do something with the array}

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Operations go from right-to-left. When you write this:tmp_+data.split(",")First it looks for a variable called data, and it splits it. Since data is something like "1086", splitting it on a comma will return an array with a single element ("1086"). Then, you're trying to concatenate that onto the end of a variable called "tmp_". So that line is the same as doing this:var ar = data.split(",");var promoData = tmp_ + ar;It would be best to store your data in an array or object and then access it by key name. e.g.:

var pData = {  '1086': 'item1,item2,item3',  '1087': 'item1,item3,item3'};function getPromo(data){  var promoData = pData[data].split(",");  //then do something with the array}

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sure, his way is actually the better approach.i usually tackle problems where they appear though, not so much at the root.

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