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Strings: Substr()&slice() What's The Different?


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substr() selects from a start point and a given length. slice() selects between a start point and an end point.The two methods that are identical are slice() and substring(). Though they have performance differences, I did tests a long time ago with them. Since a string is technically an array of characters, the slice() method may have been inherited from the array properties.

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"Semantically," they seem to be the same, but applied to different kind of data (just to explain it in some way) according tohttp://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_substring.aspandhttp://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_slice_array.aspLook at the example ("adapted" from that in the latter link)

<html><body>  <h1>Hi!</h1>  <script type="text/javascript">	var arrayVar = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"];	document.write(arrayVar.slice(0,1) + "<br />");	document.write(arrayVar.slice(1) + "<br />");	document.write(arrayVar.slice(-2) + "<br />");	document.write(arrayVar + "<br />");	var stringVar = "0123456789"	document.write(stringVar.slice(0,1) + "<br />");	document.write(stringVar.slice(1) + "<br />");	document.write(stringVar.slice(-2) + "<br />");	document.write(stringVar + "<br/>");  </script></body><html>

i.e. if slice is applied to an array returns an array (as I think it should be used), and if slice is applied to a string it returns a string (I think in some way it's applied some sort of cast... but I'm not sure). Substring can only be applied to a string and returns a string.

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