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Date Format


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date.toString() usually returns a string including UTC or GMT information, which I don't neet to use. I'm using a rather "poor" code to avoid including UTC/GMT information in the string date:

<html><body>  <h1>Hi!</h1>  <script type="text/javascript">		var todayStr = (new Date()).toString();		document.write(todayStr + "<br> <br>");		if (todayStr.indexOf("GMT") > 0)		  document.write(todayStr.substr(0, todayStr.indexOf("GMT")) + "<br> <br>");		else if (todayStr.indexOf("UTC") > 0)		  document.write(todayStr.substr(0, todayStr.indexOf("UTC")) + "<br> <br>");  </script></body><html>

1) Is there another possible format other than GMT/UTC (in which case my code wouldn't work)?2) How would be the regexp to get the "day month number year hour:min:sec"?

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Maybe I've missed something, but month and day are returned in numbers, and I would like to use "names". By the way, I'm trying with regexps (just as a learning exercise right now), and the best I have so far isvar patt1=/[A-Z][a-z]{2} [A-Z][a-z]{2} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/;document.write(todayStr.match(patt1));I'm trying to find the syntax to repeat the pattern [A-Z][a-z]{2}, but maybe I should use [a-Z]{3} instead... anyway, I'll play a while... my learning curve use to be "slow"...

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Ok, thanks. Also, toString returns different formats for UTC and GMT, so I think it's better con "construct" the string. Just a way to do this (I include parts of code "adapted" from http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?file...s_timing_clock)

<html><body>  <h1>Hi!</h1>  <script type="text/javascript">	var monthArr = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");	var dayArr   = new Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat");	var today = new Date();	var h	 = today.getHours();	var m	 = today.getMinutes();	var s	 = today.getSeconds();	// add a zero in front of numbers < 10	h = inTwoDigits(h);	m = inTwoDigits(m);	s = inTwoDigits(s);	document.write(dayArr[today.getDay()] + " " + monthArr[today.getMonth()] + " " + today.getDate() + " " + today.getFullYear() + " " + h+":"+m+":"+s);	function inTwoDigits(i)	{	  if (i < 10)		i = "0" + i;	  return i;	}  </script></body><html>

better/other similar ways are welcome.

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I wrote this function myself. It uses some of the same format codes as the PHP date() function. It's probably not perfect but it does a good job for me.

function FormatDateTime(strFormat, strDate) { //strDate is optional, if it is left out the current date/time is used	var arrFormatChars = new Array("y", "Y", "n", "M", "m", "o", "D", "w", "d", "L", "h", "H", "t", "s", "i", "a", "A");	/*  y - Two-digit year			w - Full day of week name		 Y - Four-digit year			h - Number of hours (twelve-hour)		 m - Month num w/o zeros	H - Number of hours (24-hour)		 o - Month num w/ zeros		t - Number of minutes		 n - Month abbreviation		s - Number of seconds		 M - Full month name			i - Number of milliseconds		 d - Day (w/o zeros)			a - Lowercase am or pm		 L - Day (w/zeros)			A - Uppercase AM or PM		 D - Day of week (abbr)		*/	var arrMonths = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");	var arrDays = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");		if (strDate != undefined) { //if strDate is not provided set it to current date		var formatDate = strDate;	} else {		var formatDate = new Date();	}		if (formatDate != "Invalid Date") {		//Extract all the date parts from the date		var dYear = formatDate.getFullYear();		var dMonth = formatDate.getMonth();		var dDate = formatDate.getDate();		var dDay = formatDate.getDay();		var dHours = formatDate.getHours();		var dMinutes = formatDate.getMinutes();		var dSeconds = formatDate.getSeconds();		var dMilli = formatDate.getMilliseconds();				var blnValidFormat = false;		var strFormattedDate = "";		var arrAssembly = new Array(strFormat.length); //Array used to reassemble the format string				//Construct an array that holds the formatted date values to put in place of the format characters		var FourDigitYear = dYear.toString();		var TwoDigitYear = FourDigitYear.substr(2);		var MonthNumber = (dMonth+1).toString();		if ((dMonth+1) < 10) {			var MonthWithZeros = "0"+(dMonth+1).toString();		} else {			var MonthWithZeros = (dMonth+1).toString();		}		var MonthAbbr = arrMonths[dMonth].toString().substr(0, 3);		var MonthName = arrMonths[dMonth].toString();		var DayOfMonth = dDate.toString();		if (dDate < 10) {			var DayWithZeros = "0"+dDate.toString();		} else {			var DayWithZeros = dDate.toString();		}		var DayAbbr = arrDays[dDay].toString().substr(0, 3);		var DayName = arrDays[dDay].toString();		if (dHours > 12) {			var HoursStd = (dHours-12).toString();			var TimeSuffix = "pm";		} else if (dHours == 0) {			var HoursStd = "12";			var TimeSuffix = "am";		} else {			var HoursStd = dHours.toString();			var TimeSuffix = "am";		}		var HoursMil = dHours.toString();		if (dMinutes < 10) {			var Minutes = "0"+dMinutes.toString();		} else {			var Minutes = dMinutes.toString();		}		if (dSeconds < 10) {			var Seconds = "0"+dSeconds.toString();		} else {			var Seconds = dSeconds.toString();		}		var Milliseconds = dMilli.toString();				var arrFormatStrVals = new Array(TwoDigitYear, FourDigitYear, MonthAbbr, MonthName, MonthNumber, MonthWithZeros, DayAbbr, DayName, DayOfMonth, DayWithZeros, HoursStd, HoursMil, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds, TimeSuffix.toLowerCase(), TimeSuffix.toUpperCase());				//Loop through the format string comparing each character to the array of format characters and populate the assembly array		var CurrChar = "";		var blnCharFound = false;		var xbound = strFormat.length;		var ybound = arrFormatChars.length;		for (x=0; x<xbound; x++) {			CurrChar = strFormat.charAt(x);			blnCharFound = false;			for (y=0; y<ybound; y++) {				if (CurrChar == arrFormatChars[y]) {					blnCharFound = true;					blnValidFormat = true;					arrAssembly[x] = arrFormatStrVals[y];					break;				}			}			if (!blnCharFound) {				arrAssembly[x] = CurrChar;			}		}				//Assemble the formatted date string		xbound = arrAssembly.length;		for (x=0; x<xbound; x++) {			strFormattedDate+=arrAssembly[x];		}	} else {		strFormattedDate = "Error!";		throw "Date is invalid";	}		if (!blnValidFormat) {		strFormattedDate = "Error!";		throw "Format string is invalid";	}	return strFormattedDate;} //End function FormatDateTime

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