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Modifying A Cookie From A Url


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I have 2 frames MAIN-PAGE and FOOTER and am only using frames to avoid page refreshes in the FOOTER which has many thumbnails. When the user clicks a thumbnail image I simply want the MAIN-PAGE to refresh with the correct image. Because of the limitations of frames and avoiding making a separate php page for each image I have started looking at cookies which from what I see looks ideal.I have set in index.php : setcookie("id", "1");and then echo this in the MAIN-PAGE and the image loads fine but am now wanting to know if I can and how can I update this cookie when a used clicks a thumbnail?Any assistance or suggestions on other ways to achieve this outcome would be greatly appreciated.

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This doesn't answer your question. Personally, I think you're working too hard.1. Images are normally cached by browsers. Even huge ones. Thumbnails should not be a problem. Meaning, after the first page load, your thumbs should load instantly, whether they are in a frame or not. If your user visits the page often enough, they will stay cached, and still load instantly. If load time is your issue, a frame is unneeded.2. If you don't want to hardcode your footer into every page, look into the PHP include statement. It sounds ideal for your application.

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I was originally using the PHP Include feature and loading the image based on the $_GET however it would always reset the the thumbnail scrolling which was very annoying if you had clicked image 350/1200 and then have to keep scrolling etc. I know there are many Javascripts available which write position cookies which sounds even more fullon than what I was simply trying to achieve which is to place the image number in the cookie and load the image from there.Can you update a cookie via a URL like the example below?

<?php$update_cookie = cookieset("id", "20");echo '<a href="index.php?id="20" target="main-page" '.$update_cookie.'><img src="../thumb/001.jpg" border="0" /></a>';?>

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Why not just use AJAX?Edit: the above code doesn't make sense - it will just echo out

<a href="index.php?id="20" target="main-page" return value of cookieset()><img src="../thumb/001.jpg" border="0" /></a>

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