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Javascript And Function Review Help!


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I just need someone to look at these function and see if I missed anything like a period etc. Basically check for errors.Thanks for all the previous help...<script type="text/javascript"> var seconds = 0; var clockId; function runClock() { seconds++; document.quizform.quizclock.value = "seconds"; } function startClock() { showQuiz(); var clockId = setInterval("runClock()", 1000); } function stopClock() { clearInterval("runClock()"); var correctAns = gradeQuiz(); var timer = document.quizform.quizclock.value; window.alert("You have" + correctAns + "correct of 5 in" + timer + "seconds."); } </script>

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Thanks for the help. When you say pass the clockId to clearInterval. What exactly are you saying. Do you want me to replace the runClock with clockId?

document.quizform.quizclock.value = "seconds";remove the quotation marksvar clockId = setInterval("runClock()", 1000);remove the var keywordclearInterval("runClock()");pass clockId to clearInterval
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