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Print Echo


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I understand print returns a value, echo doesn't making it slightly faster.Just wondering if anyone has a practical example of when print() could possibly return false?$example = "";if(print($example)) echo 'printed';else echo 'not printed';I can't get print to return false.. trying to understand it for whatever reason, just to learn.EDIT: i just tried this and thought for sure it would break the loop after the 3rd echo but no.

<?php$darse = array('a','b','c');for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++){	if(print($darse[$i])) continue;	else break;}echo 'loop ended';

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Logical operators evaluate expressions that can be evaluated as Boolean values. The && doesn't instruct print() to execute. The print expression executes on its own when control moves past the &&. If the thing to the right of && cannot be evaluated as true or false, you throw a runtime error.So an expression with a return value works. An expression without a return value does not work.I really wish break and continue statements had return values in the same way.

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