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Display=none/block Problem With Ie6+


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Hi,I have designet a menu tree class that outputs a menu with optional submenus available. When submenus (childs) are added to a menu link (parent), a submenu div will pop up when clicking the parent link. I use a simple javascript combined with css style.display property that checks the current style of the submenu; if block, set display to none and if none, set display to block.That works brilliant in FF and Safari etc. (as usual), but when it comes to IE, it crashes. I am experiencing serious troubles trying to fix this very IE-bug.All relevant css and html can be viewed here: http://test.muncken.dk/test_menu.phpThanks,Kasper

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Run your webpage through an html validator and fix your HTML errors, it might be contributing to your problem. Also, instead of using:

<ul>  <li><a class="menuParent" href="java script:toggleSubmenu('submenu_1');" title="Parent 1">Parent 1</a>	<div class="menuSubmenu" id="submenu_1" style="display:none;">	  <li><a class="menuChild" href="?id=1⊂=1" title="Child 1.1">Child 1.1</a></li>	  <li><a class="menuChild" href="?id=1⊂=2" title="Child 1.2">Child 1.2</a></li>	  <li><a class="menuChild" href="?id=1⊂=3" title="Child 1.3">Child 1.3</a></li>	</div>  </li></ul>

Nest the unordered list correctly, and use the second parent <li> instead of <div> to hide the child list.

<ul>  <li><a class="menuParent" href="java script:toggleSubmenu('submenu_1');" title="Parent 1">Parent 1</a></li>  <li class="menuSubmenu" id="submenu_1" style="display:none;">	<ul>	  <li><a class="menuChild" href="?id=1⊂=1" title="Child 1.1">Child 1.1</a></li>	  <li><a class="menuChild" href="?id=1⊂=2" title="Child 1.2">Child 1.2</a></li>	  <li><a class="menuChild" href="?id=1⊂=3" title="Child 1.3">Child 1.3</a></li>	</ul>  </li></ul>

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