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If Else Problem


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Hello, I have a problem with If Else.I would like a simple 'no new records' message to be displayed if no new records have been added.This is my code.-----------------------------------------------------$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE approved='0' ORDER BY id DESC");if ($result==NULL){echo "<p>No new Testimonials</p>";}else {while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {*and this is where i echo my results* }}----------------------------------------------------So, when there are no new records or records WHERE approved = '0', I would just like a simple - No new records echo.I do not get any error message, but my echo does not show up.Any help would be superb!!THanks.

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mmm, this works but it doesn't really help.I need to be able to determine if there are any records that have a value of '0' in my approved field.If there are none, then echo no new testimonials.So how do I query for 'are there any 0's ' ??

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