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Capturing Output Of A For Loop In A Variable


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HiI've built a form so that the questions generate automatically. I set the number of questions into $numQuestions, I put the questions in an array called $questions, then used a typical for loop to create the questions in an HTML table.

for ($i = 1; $i <= $numQuestions; $i++) {			echo '<tr>			<td align="left" valign="top" border="0">					<p>'.$questions[$i].'</p>					<textarea rows="5" cols="53" id="data'.$i.'" name="data'.$i.'">'.$_POST['data'.$i].'</textarea>				</td>			</tr>';		}

It works fine. The purpose of this is because I'm building many forms with similar structure, but different questions and this saves a great deal of time.Here's where I'm getting stumped:When a user fills out the form and submits it, the results are sent to us as well as to their email address. I need to create a similar for loop that can generate the questions and the user's answers in the form email that is sent. The body of the email is the value of the $email_body variable.So, is there a way to assign the output of a for loop to the value of a variable?Many thanks,Andy

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Instead of using echo to print the information, just append it to your email body variable.
I'm probably misunderstanding you, but do you mean something like this? I tested it and it just returns the literal value of $email_body. Am I just doing it wrong?
for ($i = 1; $i <= $numQuestions; $i++) {			$email_body = '.$question['.$i.']."\n"			.$_POST[\'data\''.$i.']."\n"';		}

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That's going to overwrite $email_body every time through the loop, instead of add to it. But yeah, in that code you're building a string of PHP code. You're probably looking for something more like this:

$email_body .= $question[$i] . "\n" . $_POST['data' . $i] . "\n";

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