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Thank you, and don't abuse this thread. If you do, you will get a suspension.Have a nice day,~W3S Forum Staff

Edited by Jonas
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Cool topic!Site Name: Deep CodingSite Description: PortfolioSite Owner/Developer: meSite address: http://www3.sympatico.ca/vchrisExtra comments: This site was designed about 1 year ago and includes many of my contracts and stuff I've made in my spare time.:)Site will be offline monday :)

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Site Name: test.nwtclan.netSite Description: A test forums system I'm buildingSite Owner/Developer: MyselfSite Address: http://test.nwtclan.netExtra Comments: Anyone is encouraged to sign up! Also, nwtclan.net, the main site is for an AoE3 clan of mine, but I've never got around to doing anything with it, and that clan kind of fell apart (due to not playing the game).

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Site Name: Oneity-Eight.ThreeSite Description: A small site for my friends and I to show off our flashtoons and whatever else we come up with.Site Owner/Developer: Me, Calvin MurphySite Address: http://www.oneity-eight.roxr.comExtra Comments: The site honestly doesnt have a real purpose or demand, it's more so just a hobby of mine and a place for a few kids to have fun with. Our flashtoons aren't the best but we have fun with them.

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Site Name: FTWIN.comSite Description:A portal for my other sitesSite Owner/Developer:MeSite Address:http://www.ftwin.comExtra Comments:This is a hobby for me. I use this site and others to sharpen my coding skills. As I learn more I upgrade my sites to reflect it. And if someone is curious, FTWIN is an abbreviation of the city I live in. Any comments on my site design would be appreciated. My sites are continuously evolving, they never seem to be done. :)

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Site Name: Jonas' Homepage (not very original, I know... :))Site Description: Personal website.Site Owner/Developer: Me, Jonas. Coded in notepad. :)Site Address: http://home.no.net/jonvel/Extra Comments: You like? Please sign the guestbook... :( (Oh, and I should say work in progress)

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Thanks. :)I've been looking recently for a decent picture of logitech speakers for ipod, to put as a background on the music page, but have so far been unsuccessful... :|B0009PYWNM.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpgSomething like that, only they need to be bigger and directly from the front.

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Neat planet logo thingy. :)Cool design, but a bit dark I think. But that's just me. And impressive portfolio. :)

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Hey thx guys :) I appreciate your comments!Jonas, I admit it can appear dark on some monitors. When I view it at work it's so dark I can't see the planet in the background lol. Ben3001, I tried to view yours at work earlier but I can't view Flash at work, the browser blocks it. I see it now that I'm home! Nice work. You know those figures beside your site name in your banner. That kinda looks like a dance move lol :)

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Site Name: Clarence-Rockland LightningSite Description: Site created for girls hockey league using PHP and MySQLSite Owner/Developer: hockey league/meSite Address: http://www.clarencerocklandlightning.caExtra Comments: You might not like the cursor that I changed into a lightning but that was a request of the league... Not my call lol. Basically the admin is able to login and modify the whole content of the site. Isn't it amazing? :)Oh and BTW, there is Shanya Twain intro on it so you might want to turn off your sound of cover your ears :)

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Ben3001, I tried to view yours at work earlier but I can't view Flash at work, the browser blocks it. I see it now that I'm home! Nice work. You know those figures beside your site name in your banner. That kinda looks like a dance move lol :)

with the things at the side the company the site is made for gave me nothing to work with exceptbrix071.jpgso i worked from that
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Hey Thanks a lot calvin182! :)I like your site. It's original with those cut out paper edges and I like the colors you chose.

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I have attached an image of a site I'm working on.Site Name: CodingTutsSite Description: Web tutorials site, will include forum, tutorials on many web programming languages, references...Site Owner/Developer: meSite Address: none yet but should be http://www.codingtuts.comExtra Comments: Created with CSS layout, only table on the site is used for displaying data clearly. Should use PHP and MySQL in order to store forum and all user comments, languages tags...What do you think about this one guys?I think it's pretty hot :) Maybe it's missing something in the banner and content background?Removed pic attachment.

Edited by vchris
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Site Name: Haugesund AmCar ClubSite Description: An official site for Haugesund AmCar Club (duh! :))Site Owner/Developer: HACC/Me...Site Address: http://www.home.no/jvelde/hacc/ (temporary)Extra Comments: I'd like to get some input on this website that I'm making for a friend who's in the HACC. Do you like the design? Nice and simple? It's in Norwegian, so you won't understand the content, but they will of course. Also, only "Forside", "Klubben", "Huset" and "Kontakt" on the menu are made currently. Overall, what do you think?

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Site Name: Haugesund AmCar ClubSite Description: An official site for Haugesund AmCar Club (duh! :))Site Owner/Developer: HACC/Me...Site Address: http://www.home.no/jvelde/hacc/ (temporary)Extra Comments: I'd like to get some input on this website that I'm making for a friend who's in the HACC. Do you like the design? Nice and simple? It's in Norwegian, so you won't understand the content, but they will of course. Also, only "Forside", "Klubben", "Huset" and "Kontakt" on the menu are made currently. Overall, what do you think?

I like the navigation although the links could be more 'flashy'. The rest is a bit plain...to much white background :) . It needs some more attention but you are on the right track.
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