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HTML Grid Controls


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Hi,I am looking for an Editable Grid Control which can be used within an HTML page.I have seen ActiveWidgets which appears to be great for what I want, only it requires licensing.Do people out there tend to use this, or is there an opensource alternative.Thanks.

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I have very successfully created grids using only text inputs. Say your grid is 10 X 10, and we index them from 0. All elements and displayed as block elements, and all are floated left. That puts them on the same horizontal. Elements 10, 20, 30 and so on also have a clear:both property. That begins each new row.You'll want to intercept keydown events for each input. Be sure to trap up, down, and return keys for navigation in the grid (that is, changing focus from one element to another element). This only works if the inputs have sensibly organized id's, like "a00:00" and so on. This facilitates incrementing and decrementing.You'll need to add tab indexes also, because you cannot intercept tab keys, but you do want correct tab behavior.Adding/deleting rows or columns is also facilitated by the id pattern I mentioned. It takes a little math, but can certainly be done.

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