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Using a trigger to include a module


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Hi,I'm trying to add a feature to our CMS that would allow the admin to include a php file by using a trigger like this {~gallery|album=2~} "gallery" is the name of the php file and "album=2" is the required parameter, so the result would be include("www.url.com/includes/modules/gallery.php?album=2"). I can echo out that string, but I cannot include the file. I'm guessing that the include statement has already executed before the $include variable gets set. Is that correct? Any suggestions on how I might be able to accomplish what I'm trying to do?Here's the section of code for this:

if(isset($_GET['id'])){		$content[0]	= html_entity_decode($content[0]);	$content[0]	= stripslashes($content[0]);	$find 		= '{~';	$findend 	= '~}';	$paramTrigger = '|';	if(strpos($content[0], $find) === false){		echo $content[0];	} else {		if(!isset($_GET['edit'])){ // If edit is set, we only want to display the triggers, not the actual modules							/*					Find and insert Modules					*/			while(strpos($content[0], $find) !== false){				$pos = strpos($content[0], $find); // mark beginning of module tag				$pos_end = strpos($content[0], $findend); // mark end of module tag				$mod_start = $pos + 2; // mark beginning of module name for inserting in the include statement				$mod_end = $pos_end - $pos - 2; // mark end of module name for including in the include statement				$include = substr($content[0], $mod_start, $mod_end);				if(strpos($include, $paramTrigger) === false){					$param = "";				} else {					$fileInc = explode('|', $include);					$include = $fileInc[0];					$param = '?' . $fileInc[1];				}				$module = $g_url . "includes/modules/" . $include . ".php" . $param; // path to module				if($pos > 0){					$content_start = substr($content[0], 0, $pos); // Get the content that can be echoed				}				$content[0] = substr($content[0], $pos_end + 2);								if($pos > 0){					echo $content_start;				}				//echo '<p>' . $module . '</p>';				include($module);			}		}		if ($content[0] > ""){ // echo the remaining content after the module was inserted			echo $content[0];		}	}}

Thanks for your help!

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The include path shouldn't start with HTTP or a domain name, it should be a local filesystem path on the server, not a URL. You can get the full path to the current script with dirname(__FILE__). You may have a problem passing parameters through $_GET to an include file, but you can always use a global variable to hold parameters that the include file would check.

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The include path shouldn't start with HTTP or a domain name, it should be a local filesystem path on the server, not a URL. You can get the full path to the current script with dirname(__FILE__). You may have a problem passing parameters through $_GET to an include file, but you can always use a global variable to hold parameters that the include file would check.
Thanks JSG, I thought I had seen somewhere that the way to pass parameters to an included file was to use http, but if it works at all, I guess it doesn't work very well and most hosts wouldn't allow it from what I just looked up.I ran a quick test to see what happens when trying to include with http and got these errors:"URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration" and "failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found"Thanks for your help!
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