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centering a boxes inside a box


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Okay,as it is now, i have something like this

          Section______________________________[] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [] [] []and i'd like it so it's centered           Section_______________________________      [] [] [] [] [] [] []           [] [] [] []

It's kind of complicated, because i have: inside the body is a main div (which centers all the content in the page, inside the main div, i have a sidebar and content divs, and inside the content div is the situation, i want a div, that holds the section title, an hr, maybe a paragraph then the boxes, centered.i have a demo of what i'm trying to do here .the blue box is what i wanted everything centered inside of, but i wanted the image boxes centered themselves so they're in another div. I'm only using temporary styles and once i get it all worked out, I was going to add them to the style sheet.chances are you'll need to know more, so just let me know what it is,thanks,

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unfortunately, the text-align: center didn't work,my usual method is to set a width and then have a margin: auto; but that won't work here either, because i want this fluid ( i have a min and max width for all the content)

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When a container is set to text-align:center, the elements it contains must be free to move around. Your gallery elements are not. They float. You have to remove the float property. But then your div elements won't align horizontally. So don't use div elements to contain your images. Spans might work. They might work better if you set each span to display:inline-block. (Setting a div or any other block-level element to inline-block will not work consistently in IE.)Note that you cannot center an element using the margin:0 auto trick when the element is floated. The trick also fails when you have multiple items on the same horizontal.

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When a container is set to text-align:center, the elements it contains must be free to move around. Your gallery elements are not. They float. You have to remove the float property.
I believe I said that. :)
I can't visit your site so I'm not sure what you have. But I think you can just add text-align: center to the div that contains the images. The images can't be floating though or that won't work.
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Yeah, sorry, wasn't really thinking there,HTML:

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I tried cutting out a lot of the crap that didn't really apply so it would be a little shorter.

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