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Correct query to convert timestamp to readable format in php


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Hi,I am trying to make a query that grabs the timestamp in the mysql database and convert it in to a readable format using php.I am slowly learning php, but can't seem to make it work.I was wondering how I would make that query so I can then echo the format.

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If the data is stored in the database as a date, timestamp, etc field, then it's better to do the conversion in SQL when you select the value. You can also use PHP's strtotime function to parse most formats. If it's stored as an integer Unix timestamp then you can use PHP's date function to format it.

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I tried to do it a in PHP where I did the SQL date() function; and it show's nothing (see code below):

<?php	     $pdt = mysql_query("SELECT DATE(pubdate) FROM wm_minister_msg where sysdate() >= pubdate and sysdate() < expiredate");	     $rowdt = mysql_fetch_array($pdt);	     echo $rowdt['pubdate'];	?>

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The column won't be called pubdate, it'll be called DATE(pubdate). Also, check for errors.

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