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image incrustation in TB html signature

Guest Cbhihe

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Guest Cbhihe

Hi y'all !I'm almost a complete newbie in html; please bear with me :) if my question turns out to be too lame.Background:On one hand, I'd like to add an html signature at the end of each message I send from my Thunderbird 3.0.4 engine. That's verrry easy.On the other hand adding a jpg file into an html table also is pretty simple and well documented everywhere. What I tried:However when it comes to adding a jpeg file into a table embedded into the html signature in my Tb engine, I get caught up in a problem. The jpeg file is added as a link (nothing unusual), when I write: <TD WIDTH=93 HEIGHT=126> <P ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-top: 0.2cm"> <IMG SRC="/E:/Holding_tank/My%20email/logo-1.jpg" NAME="graphics1" ALIGN=MIDDLE WIDTH=90 HEIGHT=90 BORDER=0> <SPAN STYLE="font-weight: normal">Sender name</SPAN> </P> </TD>and as that link points to where the jpeg file is stored on my machine, no sendee can see that file because the link /E:/Holding_tank/My%20email/logotipo-cluster-1.jpg cannot be correctly interpreted at their end. What I want:I'd like to be able to send that image automatically with each email (as it is small) rather than having to store it on a remote public server where a link embedded in the html signature would point. I have looked at the history of questions on the topic of inserting jpeg file in html. It seems that question is not covered here. Does this fall outside the scope of this forum, or can anyone give me a few pointers."Thanks much" in advance. :) :) :)

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the same thing would apply if you used a local image for your webpage when testing/developing but then didn't upload it to the server where people view the live page. Just use photobucket or some other sort of photo sharing website and use that for the image link instead.

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