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Is it faster to request on your own server rather than somewhere else?


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I've been looking a scripts to tackle a few things, and on one of them, I'm requesting http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquer...2/jquery.min.jsI was curious if it would be faster if that particular file was within my directories instead of on the ajax.googleapis.com site. It would also be helpful if what I'm talking about is even legal,thanks,

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It's always another network request. If the remote server is closer to the client, it will be faster for them. If your site is closer, to the client it will seem slower.

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So, basically there's no way to know which will be faster, it will always depend on the individual user. (I doubt there's a way to grab the user's location, the servers location, and do the math, let alone if it's even worth trying)thanks, I might just copy the file over, that way I won't be dependent on another site, in case it goes down for whatever reason.

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