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unset($GLOBALS["attribsarr"][$i]) behaving unexpectedly in function...


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sighs...despite the data all being there, with every possible loophole repaired - the sql query as follows and the recordset therafter were returned (but the unset command was not run, the data was still included in the mails sent) - the code below behaves unexpectedly. obviously something is wrong here.MySQL Query:

SELECT 	3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeDescription, 	3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeValue FROM 	9_supplierattributes LEFT JOIN (	3_serviceattributes) ON (	9_supplierattributes.bigint_AttributeID = 3_serviceattributes.bigint_AttributeID) WHERE 	3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeDescription LIKE "%Requirement%" AND 	3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeValue LIKE "%Pre-owned - White%" AND 	9_supplierattributes.bigint_ServiceID = 1 AND 	9_supplierattributes.bigint_RegionID = 28 AND 	9_supplierattributes.bigint_SupplierID = 24;


function dropattribs($status) {	switch ($status) {		case 2:			$sarray = "mailaddp";											// prospecting status 2			break;		case 4:			$sarray = "mailaddl";											// listed status 4			break;		default:			$sarray = "mailadds";											// active status 0	}	//echo mysql_real_escape_string("\r\ndropattribs(".$status.")");	for ($i = count($GLOBALS[$sarray]) - 1; $i > -1; $i--) {		$sdata = $GLOBALS[$sarray][$i];											// get supplier data		$arr = split(";;;",$sdata);												// split supplier array		$sid = $arr[6];													// get supplier id		//echo mysql_escape_string("\r\n\t".$arr[1]);		reset($GLOBALS["attribsarr"]);		foreach ($GLOBALS["attribsarr"] as $key => $value) {								// begin iterate form attributes			// select current attribute key and value for supplier that is not supported			$tsql = "SELECT 					3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeDescription, 					3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeValue 				FROM 					9_supplierattributes 				LEFT JOIN (					3_serviceattributes				) 				ON (					9_supplierattributes.bigint_AttributeID = 3_serviceattributes.bigint_AttributeID				) 				WHERE 					3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeDescription LIKE \"%".strtolower($key)."%\" AND 					3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeValue LIKE \"%".strtolower($value)."%\" AND 					9_supplierattributes.bigint_ServiceID = ".$GLOBALS["service"]." AND 					9_supplierattributes.bigint_RegionID = ".$GLOBALS["region"]." AND 					9_supplierattributes.bigint_SupplierID = ".$sid.";";			$result = mysql_query_errors($tsql, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , false);			//echo mysql_real_escape_string("\r\n\t\t\$GLOBALS[\"attribsarr\"][\"".$key."\"] = ".$value);			if ($result) {												// begin if mysql result				if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {								// begin while suppliers !attribs					unset($GLOBALS[$sarray][$i]);								// drop the supplier from the array					mysql_free_result($result);									// free mysql result after dropping					break;												// break out of attributes loop				}													// end while suppliers !attributes				mysql_free_result($result);										// free mysql result after looping			}														// end if mysql result		}															// end iterate form attributes	}																// end iterate suppliers array}

somebody please help! this function HAS to be fixed by monday. despite this, if a recordset is retrieved: the page level $sarray elements are not always being dropped. i have checked all four values in the compiled query, and did a test run with it - only to receive a recordset, all the evidence points to unset($GLOBALS[$sarray][$i]); not working in this instance. please tell me what you think - it is imperative that this function is working optimally.

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unset will never simply not work, notwithstanding the notes in the manual about it. If it's not doing what you're expecting, about all I can say is to print the values you're trying to unset to verify that you're telling it to do what you think you are.

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thanks... i'm currently resubmitting the form on the test site, i've added an echo for the environmental variable $GLOBALS[$sarray][$i], in the line before the unset is called.

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this issue has now been RESOLVED :)the problem was the remnant from the previous matching of these values - where the values retrieved from the form are converted inline with strtolower(), to lowercase:

3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeDescription LIKE \"%".strtolower($key)."%\" AND 3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeValue LIKE \"%".strtolower($value)."%\" AND

the SQL was made truly case insensitive, keeping in mind that the connection, database, table and text field collations are utf8_bin:

LOWER(3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeDescription) LIKE \"%".strtolower($key)."%\" AND LOWER(3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeValue) LIKE \"%".strtolower($value)."%\" AND

i truly can't believe i missed these lines! :)once again, thank you justsomeguy for giving me some clarity on what needed to be done. :)

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