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window.open reference in url


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Hi!I'm working on a JSP based project. On myJsp1.jsp, I open a new window using window.open and store reference in a variable myWin likemyWin = window.open(.........);from here i submit the form to myJsp2.jsp.In this file, I want the reference myWin to close the opened window. What I'm doing while submitting form is:myWin = window.open(.............);document.onlinePayStatusSummary.action ="myJsp2.jsp?action=forwardOnlinePayRequest&childWindow=" +myWin;document.onlinePayStatusSummary.submit();I've read that this way JavaScript references can be passed in url.Now when I do getParameter in myJsp2.jsp asvar winRef = "<%=request.getParameter("childWindow").toString()%>";winRef.close();I get JavaScript error that this winRef do not support the close() property.Any help? Regards.AsadUllah.

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The value of the myWin variable is an object, not a scalar value that can be passed through the querystring.

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We don't double-post on this forum. FYI. :)A document can close any window that it opens. When you submit your form, a new document is loaded into the browser. Because it is a new document, it does not have permission to close the other window. It does not matter that the documents are associated.

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A document can close any window that it opens. When you submit your form, a new document is loaded into the browser. Because it is a new document, it does not have permission to close the other window. It does not matter that the documents are associated.
For this reason I want to use the object reference myWin passing technique to the newly loaded document. So that the child reference may be available in it and it may use it.
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You can't pass a window reference to a new page. You can pass window references around open windows, so if your new page opens in a new window then once that's open you can pass the new page the window reference, but if you're opening a page in the same window there's no way to do that.

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