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ASP mail processor have problem with <div> in web form


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Hello guysMy server admin have written a ASP code for me for sending from value from web form to my email addresse. It's work fine only when I use normal form code, but when i want to put my form to the certainly place e.g center of page or if I want to put fields to different positions and use <div>, so ASP form processor won't send value of fields.any help!!??This is code of form:<div id="wb_Form1" style="position:absolute;left:400;top:150;width:65 4px;height:418px;"><form method="post" action="mail.asp"><p> Navn : </br><input name="Navn"></p><p>Adresse: </br><input name="Adresse"></p><p>Postnummer: </br><select name="Postnummer:"><option>4100</option><option>4200</option><option>4295</option><option>4293</option><option>4296</option></select></p><p>By: </br><input type="text" name="By:"> </p><p>Email: </br><input type="text" name="Email:"></p><p>Telefon: </br><input type="text" name="Telefon"></p><p>Problemet: </br><select name="Problemet"><option value="Hvad er fejlen...">Hvad er fejlen</option><option value="Vand">Vand</option><option value="Spildevand">spildevand</option>< option value="Tømningsordning">Tømningsordning</option><option value="Andet">Andet</option></select></p><input name="email_subject" type="hidden" value="Fejlmelding fra hjemmeside" /><input name="redirect_to" type="hidden" value="success.asp" /><p><input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset"><input name="send" type="submit" value="Submit"></p></form></div>--------------This is ASP mail:<%For Field = 1 to Request.Form.Count - 3FieldName = Replace(Request.Form.Key(Field),"_"," ")FieldValue = Request.Form.Item(Field)Body = Body & FieldName & ": " & FieldValue & VbCrLfNext'Dimension variablesDim objCDOSYSCon'Create the e-mail server objectSet objCDOSYSMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")Set objCDOSYSCon = Server.CreateObject ("CDO.Configuration")'Set and update fields propertiesWith objCDOSYSCon'Outgoing SMTP server.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.domain.com".Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25'CDO Port.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2'Timeout.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60.Fields.UpdateEnd With'Update the CDOSYS ConfigurationSet objCDOSYSMail.Configuration = objCDOSYSCon'Set and update email propertiesWith objCDOSYSMail'0=Low, 1=Normal, 2=High.Fields("urn:schemas:httpmail:importance").Value = 1'Who the e-mail is from.From = "ex@domain.com"'Who the e-mail is sent to.To = "example@domain.com"'Who the e-mail is CC'd to.Cc = Request.Form("email_address")'The subject of the e-mail.Subject = Request.Form("email_subject")'Set the e-mail body format (HTMLBody=HTML TextBody=Plain).TextBody = Body.Fields.Update'Send the e-mail.SendEnd With'Close the server mail objectSet objCDOSYSMail = NothingSet objCDOSYSCon = Nothing'Rederect after sending emailResponse.Redirect Request.Form("redirect_to")%>[/size][/font]
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It doesn't matter where you put a form on a page, as long as all of the fields are inside the form element. You can wrap the entire page in a form element if necessary.
I founded..Problem was in the first line, I must delete the first line with <div>
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