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IFrames, Firefox vs. IE

Guest Inara

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Guest Inara

I just can't figure out why my website works perfectly fine in Mozilla Firefox but doesn't work in Internet Explorer (I suppose I shouldn't be surprised... :) ).I've been experimenting with inline frames, and I'm trying to make a webpage for a fansite. In Firefox, the frame is transparent to the background and the CSS works. But in IE...it's like the iframe isn't even there. Here is the link: My WebpageEDIT: I want the backgrounds of the frames transparent so that the text floats over the background, which seems to work in Firefox... :) And here is the code:

<html><head><title>Title</title><body background="http://www.freewebs.com/blue-inara/Kyrn/TealKyrnbig.jpg" bgproperties="fixed"><STYLE TYPE=TEXT/css><!--BACKGROUND: none; CURSOR: crosshair; font-weight:bold;}body { scrollbar-face-color: black; scrollbar-shadow-color: black; scrollbar-highlight-color: #006666; scrollbar-3dlight-color: black; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #006666; scrollbar-track-color: black; scrollbar-arrow-color: #006666;}a:active {font:bold 11px Tahoma;color:#FFFFFF;}a:visited {font:bold 11px Tahoma;color:#FFFFFF;}a:link{font:bold 11px Tahoma;color:#FFFFFF;}a:hover{font:bold 11px Tahoma;color:#008080;}</style><body OnContextMenu="false"><iframe frameborder="0" width="110" height="400" scrolling="auto" src="Navigation.html" name="navigation" style="position:absolute; top:185px; left:200px;"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" width="600" height="400" scrolling="auto" src="Kyrnmain.html" name="main" style="overflow-x:none; position:absolute; top:185px; left:325px;"></iframe></body></html>
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EDIT: I want the backgrounds of the frames transparent so that the text floats over the background, which seems to work in Firefox... :) And here is the code:

For MSIE, add to iframe-tag: allowTransparency="true"unluckilly it's not W3C-valid but works with IE and not harm others.But there is Opera too (coolest browser by the way) :), I'd not know how to get transparent iframe work with Opera?(quess: Opera 9 will fix this case?)
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Try giving the iframe an id.Then try this script:<script type="text/javascript">var iFrame = document.getElementById('iframe_id');iFrame.setAttribute('allowTransparency', 'true');</script>It should work, and validate.

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