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no numbers allowed


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i have a form with text fields for first name, last name and email. i would like the first 2 boxes to be validated by checking if there are any numbers entered in the boxes. if numbers are entered, i would like an alert. im not too worried about the alert, just checking for number.any ideas?thanks in advance

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the problem is that i already have other validation for the same text box(s):if (lastname.length == 0) {returnValue = false;alert("PLease enter your first name");then i inserted the above example as follows:if (lastname.length == 0) {returnValue = false;alert("PLease enter your first name");if (firstname.value.match(/\d/) != null) {alert('Contains a number');}}i also also put in the folowing:if (lastname.length == 0) {returnValue = false;alert("PLease enter your first name");if (firstname.value.match(/\d/) != null) {returnValue = false;alert('Contains a number');}either way it does now work?any ideas?im trying to nest the second validation (numbers) within the first validation (checking for any input)

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Say your boxes had:First Name: Jared01Last Name: <blank>Your first code:

var firstname = frmShuffle.firstName.value; var lastname = frmShuffle.lastName.value; if (lastname.length == 0) {returnValue = false;alert("Please enter your first name");if (firstname.match(/\d/) != null) {alert('Contains a number');}}

Would bring up both alertsIf you had:First Name: Jared01Last Name: SwintonYou'd have no alert boxes, due to the way you've embedded one inside the other.

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so how would u suggest i do it then:at the moment i have code which checks if first name is empty. if it is then message saying "please enter first name".if it is not, i have code to check if last name is empty. if it is then message saying "please enter last name"if it is not, i have code to check if email is empty, if it is, then message saying "please enter email". if it is not then i have a do/while with a prompt for the user to enter their email again (validation against their original email input)after all of this is satisfied, i run another function.i need to be able to check if the first name and last name have numbers and if so throw an error. how could i best do this?id prefer to do it nested for each text field separately. ie check if empty then check if numbers, then if satisfied move on to last name.

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function checkAll(){  var firstname = frmShuffle.firstName.value;   var lastname = frmShuffle.lastName.value;   if(firstname.length == 0 || lastname.length == 0){   alert('One or more fields has been left blank');   return false;  }  if (firstname.match(/\d/) != null) {   alert('The first name field contains an integer');   return false;  }  .... more if's here}

Hope that makes sense :)

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