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Hi w3 community,im making a website using AS 3 + xml and i have some menu problems. How i do a subpage inside of subpage. What node should i use? I tried a anything but nothing worked.Do you thing the problem is in AS code?There is a image of the codeTks!1.jpg

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Hi!No, a friend sent me a template and it came with this code in the xml files.It creates a subpage with no problem with <page> <subMenu> <subPage> <?> What comes next? I already tried anything and nothing happens. It doesn't create a subpage inside of subpage. Maybe the solution is in AS code.TKS.

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You might want to ask you friend for "documentation". You know, the thing with the instructions and everything...

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You might want to ask you friend for "documentation". You know, the thing with the instructions and everything...
This website is written by flash modules that you can change images and text by xml fileHeres the AS code of the submenu:Remember that i want to create a menu inside of submenupackage cj.creative { import flash.display.Shape; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.events.Event; import cj.creative.graphics.Container; import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.easing.Quint; public class CreateSub extends Sprite { // start private vars private var names:XMLList, url:XMLList, pops:Object, ar:Array, who:int, numChild:int, arLength:int, checkMod:Function; // end private vars // start internal vars internal var id:int, subMask:Shape, difW:int, difH:int, dW:int, dH:int, modW:int; // end internal vars // this class creates each sub-menu and is instanciated from the CreateMenu class public function CreateSub(list:XMLList, i:int, dad:int, func:Function) { id = i; who = dad; checkMod = func; names = list.menuTitle; url = list.deepLinkURL; // we need access to the stage so we can create a reference to the sub-menu's parent if(stage == null) { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added, false, 0, true); } else { added(); } } // fires when submenu has been added to the stage private final function added(event:Event = null):void { removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); pops = this.parent; ar = []; var item:SubButton, container:Container, yy:Number = 0, leg:int = names.length(), legger:int = leg - 1, j:int, differ:int, xst:String, checkOnce:Boolean = true; // loops through each sub-menu item for(var i:int = 0; i < leg; i++) { item = new SubButton(); item.mouseEnabled = false; xst = url item.id = i; ar = item; xst = xst.split(" ").join(""); item.textString = who + xst; item.txt.namer.text = names; item.txt.namer.width = item.txt.namer.textWidth + 10; item.txt.mouseEnabled = false; item.x = 5; item.y = yy + 2; // here we're adding a hit buffer to the top and bottom of the sub-menu if(i != 0 && i != legger) { container = new Container(item.txt.namer.textWidth + 15, item.txt.height + 4, 0xFFFFFF, i, who + xst); container.y = yy; } else if(i == 0) { container = new Container(item.txt.namer.textWidth + 15, item.txt.height + 14, 0xFFFFFF, i, who + xst); container.y = yy - 10; } else { container = new Container(item.txt.namer.textWidth + 15, item.txt.height + 10, 0xFFFFFF, i, who + xst); container.y = yy; } container.alpha = 0; container.tabEnabled = false; addChild(item); addChild(container); differ = (item.txt.namer.height + 4) | 0; yy += differ; } arLength = ar.length; j = numChildren; // this sets each button to the same width of the largest text field while(j--) { if(getChildAt(j) is Container) { if(!checkOnce) { getChildAt(j).width = this.width; } else { checkOnce = false; getChildAt(j).width = this.width + 5; } } } dW = this.width; dH = this.height; dW = dW == int(dW) ? dW : int(dW + 1); dH = dH == int(dH) ? dH : int(dH + 1); modW = dW + 282; // create the mask that will animate in sync with the background blur subMask = new Shape(); subMask.graphics.beginFill(0x000000); subMask.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, dW, dH); subMask.graphics.endFill(); subMask.name = "masker"; addChildAt(subMask, 0); this.mask = subMask; difW = -dW; difH = -dH; subMask.x = difW; subMask.y = difH; numChild = this.numChildren; } // temporarily cleans the mouse events when a page is transitioning internal function cleanListeners(ask:Boolean = false):void { var sb:SubButton, ct:Container, i:int = numChild; while(i--) { // find the container buttons if(getChildAt(i) is Container && getChildAt(i).name != "masker") { ct = Container(getChildAt(i)); ct.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overGlow); ct.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outGlow); ct.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker); ct.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, over); ct.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, out); } // remove the glow event for the text if necessary else if(getChildAt(i) is SubButton) { sb = SubButton(getChildAt(i)); sb.go = false; sb.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, goEnter); } } (!ask) ? goOut(true) : null; } // "punches" the sub-menu changing it to its active state internal function checkItem():void { var i:int = arLength; while(i--) { if(ar.textString == Tracker.subString) { ar.gotoAndStop("pause"); } else { ar.gotoAndStop(1); } } } // adds the mouse events to each sub-menu item internal function addListeners():void { var contain:Container, theItem:SubButton, i:int = numChild; while(i--) { if(getChildAt(i) is Container && getChildAt(i).name != "masker") { // first clean all the listeners contain = Container(getChildAt(i)); contain.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overGlow); contain.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outGlow); contain.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker); contain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, over, false, 0, true); contain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, out, false, 0, true); contain.buttonMode = false; // then apply the mouse events to every item that is not active if(contain.textString != Tracker.subString) { contain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overGlow, false, 0, true); contain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outGlow, false, 0, true); contain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker, false, 0, true); contain.buttonMode = true; } } // apply glow animations to only non-active items else if(getChildAt(i) is SubButton) { theItem = SubButton(getChildAt(i)); theItem.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, goEnter); theItem.go = false; if(theItem.textString != Tracker.subString) { theItem.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, goEnter, false, 0, true); } } } } // fires when a sub-menu item is clicked private function clicker(event:MouseEvent):void { var i:int = event.currentTarget.id; CreateMenu.animate(url, who, i); cleanListeners(true); goOut(true); } // controls the glow animation for the sub-menu item private function goEnter(event:Event):void { (event.target.go) ? event.target.nextFrame() : event.target.prevFrame(); } // animtes the item's glow private function overGlow(event:MouseEvent):void { var i:int = event.target.id; ar.go = true; } // removes the item's glow private function outGlow(event:MouseEvent):void { var i:int = event.target.id; ar.go = false; } // fires when the sub-menu is to be activated internal function overIt():void { pops.go = true; DrawBlur.showSub(id); TweenMax.to(subMask, 0.6, {x: 0, y: -7, ease: Quint.easeInOut}); } // animates the sub-menu in private function over(event:MouseEvent):void { // checks to see if the current module should be repositioned if(Tracker.moduleLoaded) { if(Tracker.moduleX + Tracker.moduleDif < modW) { checkMod(modW); } } pops.go = true; DrawBlur.showSub(id); TweenMax.to(subMask, 0.6, {x: 0, y: -7, ease: Quint.easeInOut}); } // animates the sub-menu out internal function goOut(fast:Boolean = false) { // checks to see if the module should be restored to it's original position if(Tracker.moduleLoaded) { if(Tracker.moduleX + Tracker.moduleDif < modW) { checkMod(undefined, true); } } var tim:Number; // fast = on click or on rollOver if(!fast) { tim = 0.4; DrawBlur.hideSub(id); } else { tim = 0.25; DrawBlur.hideSub(id, true); } pops.go = false; TweenMax.to(subMask, tim, {x: difW, y: difH, ease: Quint.easeOut}); } // roll out mouse event for each sub-menu item private function out(event:MouseEvent):void { goOut(); } }}
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