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Mailer not mailing, absolutely no errors visible.


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hi,quite hard debugging this kind of thing - i can't seem to find the problem anywhere 0o. this is the manual mailer of statements, via ajax. absolutely no mails are being sent.it is called from the client by:

makeRequest("POST", "scripts/ajax_transactions.php?q=2&s="+s+"&f="+f+"&t="+t, poststr);

it returns a reload of the information. does not seem to perform the switch case for $q in the php.here is the php xml generator:

<?php/*TRANSACTION MANAGER AJAX XML RESPONSEVersion 2.2.4*///set_time_limit(0);include("../includes/content/dwtphovu_f3rr37y.php");$q = $_GET["q"];if (is_numeric($q)) {	if ($q > 1 || $q < 0) {		$q = 0;	}} else {	$q = 0;}$s = $_GET["s"];if (!is_numeric($s)) {	$s = 0;}$f = $_GET["f"];if (!strtotime(date($f))) {	$f = date("Y-m-01 00:00:00");}$t = $_GET["t"];if (!strtotime(date($t))) {	$t = date("Y-m-t 23:59:59");}include('../includes/statistical/timezones/class-timezone-conversion.php');   // Include timezone conversion classfunction convert_tz($timestamp, $timezone) {	// convert local datetime to SAST (South African Standard Time)	$tz = new TimezoneConversion();		// Create TimezoneConversion Object	$tz->setProperty('DateTime', $timestamp);	// Set local 'DateTime' to convert	$tz->setProperty('Timezone', $timezone);	// Set Timezone Convert To	return $tz->convertDateTime();		// Get SAST Timestamp}$limit = "MANUAL";$now = getdate(strtotime(convert_tz(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()),"SAST")));$fs = strtotime(date("Y-m-1 00:00:00",mktime(0,0,0,$now["mon"]-3,1,$now["year"])));$fl = strtotime(date("Y-m-1 00:00:00",mktime(0,0,0,$now["mon"],1,$now["year"])));$ts = strtotime(date("Y-m-t 23:59:59",mktime(23,59,59,$now["mon"]+1,0,$now["year"])));$tl = strtotime(date("Y-m-t 23:59:59",mktime(23,59,59,$now["mon"]-2,0,$now["year"])));function getrecords($arr) {	//if supplier id, >= from and <= to dates available create constraints	// ".(($numargs>0)?" WHERE ":"").join(" AND ",$arg_list)."	$sql = "SELECT * FROM 8_transactions".((count($arr)>0)?" WHERE ".join(" AND ",$arr):"")." ORDER BY bigint_TransactionID DESC;";	$result = mysql_query_errors($sql , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );	if ($result) {		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {			echo "	<transaction>\n";			echo "		<transactionid>" . $row["bigint_TransactionID"] . "</transactionid>\n";			echo "		<transactionevent>" . xmlentities($row["text_TransactionEvent"]) . "</transactionevent>\n";			if ($row["bigint_LeadID"]>0) {				$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM 6_serviceleads JOIN (5_suppliers,2_servicescatalogue,1_regions) ON (6_serviceleads.bigint_SupplierID = 5_suppliers.bigint_SupplierID AND 6_serviceleads.bigint_ServiceID = 2_servicescatalogue.bigint_ServiceID AND 6_serviceleads.bigint_RegionID = 1_regions.bigint_RegionID) WHERE bigint_LeadID = ".$row["bigint_LeadID"].";";				$result1 = mysql_query_errors($sql1 , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );				if ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {					$attr = split("<br />",$row1["text_LeadAttributes"]);					foreach ($attr as $value) {						$val = split(" = ",$value);						if (stristr($val[0],"product")) { $req = trim($val[1]); }						elseif (stristr($val[0],"make_model")) { $mak = trim($val[1]); }						elseif (stristr($val[0],"style")) { $stl = trim($val[1]); }					}					if (strlen($req)==0) { $req = $mak." ".$stl; }					echo "		<makemodelstyle>" . xmlentities($req) . "</makemodelstyle>\n";					echo "		<transactionconsumer>" . xmlentities($row1["text_Consumer"]) . "</transactionconsumer>\n";					echo "		<transactionservice>" . xmlentities($row1["text_ServiceDescription"]) . "</transactionservice>\n";					echo "		<transactionregion>" . xmlentities($row1["text_RegionDescription"]) . "</transactionregion>\n";				}			}			echo "		<transactionamount>" . $row["bigint_TransactionAmount"] . "</transactionamount>\n";			echo "		<transactionbalance>" . $row["bigint_TransactionBalance"] . "</transactionbalance>\n";			echo "		<transactiontimestamp>" . $row["timestamp_TransactionEvent"] . "</transactiontimestamp>\n";			echo "	</transaction>\n";		}	}}function gettransactions() {	$ret = "";	$sql = "SELECT * FROM 8_transactions WHERE bigint_SupplierID = ".$GLOBALS["s"]." AND timestamp_TransactionEvent >= \"".$GLOBALS["f"]."\" AND timestamp_TransactionEvent <= \"".$GLOBALS["t"]."\" ORDER BY bigint_TransactionID ASC;";	$result = mysql_query_errors($sql , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {		$leadid = $row["bigint_LeadID"];		$ret .= "	<tr>\n";		$ret .= "		<td><div class=\"timestamps\">" . (($leadid>0)?"#".($leadid+11001000)."<br />":"") . $row["timestamp_TransactionEvent"] . "</div></td>\n";		$ret .= "		<td><div class=\"transactions\">";		if ($leadid>0) {			$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM 6_serviceleads JOIN (5_suppliers,2_servicescatalogue,1_regions) ON (6_serviceleads.bigint_SupplierID = 5_suppliers.bigint_SupplierID AND 6_serviceleads.bigint_ServiceID = 2_servicescatalogue.bigint_ServiceID AND 6_serviceleads.bigint_RegionID = 1_regions.bigint_RegionID) WHERE bigint_LeadID = ".$leadid.";";			$result1 = mysql_query_errors($sql1 , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );			if ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {				$attr = split("<br />",$row1["text_LeadAttributes"]);				$attribsarr = array();				foreach ($attr as $value) {					// contact name populate & supplier name in subject					// make/model style					// requirement & budfget					// 3rde & 4de soos wat dit is					$val = split(" = ",$value);					$attribsarr[$val[0]] = $val[1];				}				$ret .= $attribsarr["products_description"].$attribsarr["vehicle_make_model"].((strlen($attribsarr["products_description"])==0)?" - ".$attribsarr["canopy_style"]:"")."<br />";				$ret .= $attribsarr["Requirement"].$attribsarr["canopy_req"]." - ".$attribsarr["Budget"].$attribsarr["budget"]."<br />";				$consumer = split(";",$row1["text_Consumer"]);				$ret .= $consumer[0]." (".$consumer[1].", ".$consumer[2].")<br />".				$row1["text_RegionDescription"]." (".$consumer[3].")";			}		} else {				$ret .= $row["text_TransactionEvent"];		}		$ret .= "</div></td>\n";		$ret .= "		<td><div class=\"amounts\">" . $row["bigint_TransactionAmount"] . "</div></td>\n";		$ret .= "		<td><div class=\"balances\">" . $row["bigint_TransactionBalance"] . "</div></td>\n";		$ret .= "	</tr>\n";	}	echo $ret;	return $ret;}function getsuppliers() {	$sql = "SELECT * FROM 5_suppliers WHERE smallint_SupplierStatus = 0 ORDER BY text_SupplierName ASC;";	$result = mysql_query_errors($sql , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );	if ($result) {		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {			echo "	<supplier>\n";			echo "		<id>".$row["bigint_SupplierID"]."</id>\n";			echo "		<description>".$row["text_SupplierName"]."</description>\n";			if ($row["bigint_SupplierID"] == $GLOBALS["s"]) {				echo "		<selected>selected</selected>\n";			}			echo "	</supplier>\n";		}	}}function monthadd($date, $month) {	$now = getdate(strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date)));	return strtotime(date("Y-m-1 00:00:00",mktime(0,0,0,$now["mon"]+$month,1,$now["year"])));}function monthsub($date, $month) {	$now = getdate(strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date)));	return strtotime(date("Y-m-t 23:59:59",mktime(23,59,59,$now["mon"]-$month+1,0,$now["year"])));}function getfromdates() {	$f = $GLOBALS["fs"];	while ($f <= $GLOBALS["fl"]) {		echo "	<fromdate>\n";		echo "		<text>1st ".date("F Y, H:i:s",$f)."</text>\n";		echo "		<value>".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$f)."</value>\n";		if (date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$f) == $GLOBALS["f"]) echo "		<selected>selected</selected>\n";		echo "	</fromdate>\n";		$f = monthadd($f,1);	}}function gettodates() {	$t = $GLOBALS["ts"];	while ($t >= $GLOBALS["tl"]) {		echo "	<todate>\n";		echo "		<text>".date("tS F Y, H:i:s",$t)."</text>\n";		echo "		<value>".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$t)."</value>\n";		if (date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$t) == $GLOBALS["t"]) echo "		<selected>selected</selected>\n";		echo "	</todate>\n";		$t = monthsub($t,1);	}}$response = "";header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";echo "<root>\n";switch ($q) {	case 1: // supplier <-- mail statement		// select supplier contact name and email address		$sql = "SELECT 4_servicesuppliers.bigint_ServiceID, 5_suppliers.bigint_SupplierID, 5_suppliers.text_SupplierName, CONCAT(5_suppliers.text_ContactFirstName, \" \", 5_suppliers.text_ContactSurname) AS text_ContactFullName, 5_suppliers.`text_ContactE-mail`, 5_suppliers.text_AccMgr, 5_suppliers.`text_AccMgrE-mail` FROM 5_suppliers LEFT JOIN 4_servicesuppliers ON (5_suppliers.bigint_SupplierID = 4_servicesuppliers.bigint_SupplierID) WHERE 4_servicesuppliers.bigint_SupplierID = ".$GLOBALS["s"]." AND smallint_SupplierStatus = 0 GROUP BY 5_suppliers.bigint_SupplierID;";		$result = mysql_query_errors($sql, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , false);		if ($result) {			while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {				include("../includes/mailer/class.phpmailer.php");											// include PHPMailer class				$toname = $row["text_ContactFullName"];				$toaddr = $row["text_ContactE-mail"];				$recipient[0] = $toname;				$recipient[1] = $row["text_SupplierName"];				$recipient[11] = $row["text_AccMgr"];				$recipient[12] = $row["text_AccMgrE-mail"];				// build mail and attempt sending, saving response				$body				 = getFile("/home/dwtphovu/public_html/intellisource.co.za/prod_8347379386/templat/statement.html");	// load mail template				$mail				= new PHPMailer();														// create a new object				$transactions		= gettransactions($row["bigint_SupplierID"]);							// build transactions html				$body				= populateflags($body);				/*$body				= str_replace("%MESSAGE%",$message,$body);								// insert statement message				$body				= str_replace("%TRANSACTIONS%",$transactions,$body);					// insert transaction records				$body				= str_replace("%FROMDATE%",date("jS F Y, H:i:s",strtotime($f)),$body);	// insert from date				$body				= str_replace("%TODATE%",date("tS F Y, H:i:s",strtotime($t)),$body);	// insert to date				$body				= str_replace("%LOGOURL%",$logourl,$body);								// insert logo url				$body				 = str_replace("%COPYRIGHT%","CanopyXchange",$body);						// insert copyright owner				$body				 = str_replace("%YEAR%",date("Y"),$body);								// insert copyright year*/				require("/home/dwtphovu/public_html/intellisource.co.za/prod_8347379386/includes/mailer/dwtphovu_auth.php");			// include mailer auth				$mail->From			= "canopy@canopyxchange.za.net";										// set from email				$mail->FromName		= "CanopyXchange";														// set from name				$mail->Subject		= getSubText($body,"<title>","</title>");								// replacing to and from dates				$mail->AddBCC("pierre@canopyxchange.za.net", "Pierre \"Greywacke\" du Toit");				// add the developer to the BCC list				$mail->AddBCC($recipient[12], $recipient[11]);								// add the account manager to the BCC list				$mail->ClearAttachments();																	// clears attachments				$mail->MsgHTML($body);																		// set HTML Body				$mail->AltBody = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(getSubText($body,"<body>","</body>")));		// set Text Body				//$mail->AddAddress($toaddr, $toname);														// add recipient				$mail->IsHTML(true);																		// set send as HTML				if(!$mail->Send()) {																		// if attempt sending failed						$response = "FAILURE: ".$toname.", ".$toaddr." (".$mail->ErrorInfo.")";					// save error report				} else {																					// else					$response = "SUCCESS: ".$toname.", ".$toaddr;											// save success report				}																							// end if			}		}		break;	case 2: // acc manager <-- mail statement		// select supplier contact name and email address		$sql = "SELECT 4_servicesuppliers.bigint_ServiceID, 5_suppliers.bigint_SupplierID, 5_suppliers.text_SupplierName, CONCAT(5_suppliers.text_ContactFirstName, \" \", 5_suppliers.text_ContactSurname) AS text_ContactFullName, 5_suppliers.`text_ContactE-mail`, 5_suppliers.text_AccMgr, 5_suppliers.`text_AccMgrE-mail` FROM 5_suppliers LEFT JOIN 4_servicesuppliers ON (5_suppliers.bigint_SupplierID = 4_servicesuppliers.bigint_SupplierID) WHERE 4_servicesuppliers.bigint_SupplierID = ".$GLOBALS["s"]." AND smallint_SupplierStatus = 0 GROUP BY 5_suppliers.bigint_SupplierID;";		$result = mysql_query_errors($sql, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , false);		if ($result) {			while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {				include("../includes/mailer/class.phpmailer.php");											// include PHPMailer class				$toname = $row["text_AccMgr"];				$toaddr = $row["text_AccMgrE-mail"];				$recipient[0] = $toname;				$recipient[1] = $row["text_SupplierName"];				$recipient[11] = $toname;				$recipient[12] = $toaddr;				// build mail and attempt sending, saving response				$body				 = getFile("/home/dwtphovu/public_html/intellisource.co.za/prod_8347379386/templat/statement.html");	// load mail template				$mail				= new PHPMailer();														// create a new object				$transactions		= gettransactions($row["bigint_SupplierID"]);							// build transactions html				$body				= populateflags($body);				/*$body				= str_replace("%MESSAGE%",$message,$body);								// insert statement message				$body				= str_replace("%TRANSACTIONS%",$transactions,$body);					// insert transaction records				$body				= str_replace("%FROMDATE%",date("jS F Y, H:i:s",strtotime($f)),$body);	// insert from date				$body				= str_replace("%TODATE%",date("tS F Y, H:i:s",strtotime($t)),$body);	// insert to date				$body				= str_replace("%LOGOURL%",$logourl,$body);								// insert logo url				$body				 = str_replace("%COPYRIGHT%","CanopyXchange",$body);						// insert copyright owner				$body				 = str_replace("%YEAR%",date("Y"),$body);								// insert copyright year*/				require("/home/dwtphovu/public_html/intellisource.co.za/prod_8347379386/includes/mailer/dwtphovu_auth.php");			// include mailer auth				$mail->From			= "canopy@canopyxchange.za.net";										// set from email				$mail->FromName		= "CanopyXchange";														// set from name				$mail->Subject		= getSubText($body,"<title>","</title>");								// replacing to and from dates				$mail->AddBCC("pierre@canopyxchange.za.net", "Pierre \"Greywacke\" du Toit");				// add the developer to the BCC list				$mail->ClearAttachments();																	// clears attachments				$mail->MsgHTML($body);																		// set HTML Body				$mail->AltBody = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(getSubText($body,"<body>","</body>")));		// set Text Body				$mail->AddAddress($toname, $toaddr);														// add recipient				$mail->IsHTML(true);																		// set send as HTML				if(!$mail->Send()) {																		// if attempt sending failed						$response = "FAILURE: ".$toname.", ".$toaddr." (".$mail->ErrorInfo.")";					// save error report				} else {																					// else					$response = "SUCCESS: ".$toname.", ".$toaddr;											// save success report				}																							// end if			}		}		break;	default: // (re)load form}$arr = array();if ($s > 0) {	array_push($arr,"bigint_SupplierID = ".$s);}array_push($arr,"timestamp_TransactionEvent >= \"".$f."\"");array_push($arr,"timestamp_TransactionEvent <= \"".$t."\"");getrecords($arr);getsuppliers();getfromdates();gettodates();if ($response) echo "	<result>".$response."</result>\n";echo "	<sql>".xmlentities(join("\n",$sql))."</sql>\n";echo "</root>";mysql_close($conn);?>

this is supposed to show the result, but it does not even do that. :) something is causing it to end prematurely, how would i find out what that is if this page does not give any errors? it finds the supplier, by id 38 ($s = 38). it gets the transactions, and populates those values. it includes phpmailer, and the timezone conversion class.somebody please help! even with ideas on how to debug.

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When I'm debugging ajax I use an error log to help. Enable error logging in PHP and then you can use the error_log function to send whatever information you want to that file to help track what the script is doing.ini_set('log_errors', 1);ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'error.log');ini_set('html_errors', 0);ini_set('display_errors', 0);error_reporting(E_ALL);

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ahhhh *wana kick self*the problem was the $service variable and the extra $q parameter not being allowed for. this works now ^^ :)

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Not a good thing or a bad thing, but your code always looks incredibly complicated...

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haha yeah i get you there - i believe everything is possible with code. in time we'll even be able to steer boeings from websites 0ojust with the health problems its a bit harder than usual atm :) but i will always love coding :)

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