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Hi guys i am building a tab that fixes to the screen and follows the screen i have sucess with this and it woks fine. i just need someone to wirte the php code for me as im am usless with it i have had a few attempts now and cant work it out. would very very much appreciate it if someone could help me. Thanks =D

(function($){	//define the new for the plugin ans how to call it		$.fn.contactable = function(options) {		//set default options  		var defaults = {			name: 'Name',			email: 'Email',			message : 'Message',			recipient : 'test@test.co.uk',			subject : 'A contactable message',			recievedMsg : 'Thank you for your information, we will contact you as soon as possible.',			notRecievedMsg : 'Sorry but your message could not be sent, try again later',			disclaimer: 'Please feel free to get in touch,<br/>we value your feedback'		};		//call in the default otions		var options = $.extend(defaults, options);		var contactShowStatus =1;				//act upon the element that is passed into the design			return this.each(function(options) {			//construct the form			$(this).html('<div  id="contactable"></div><div id="contactForm" class="feedContainer"><a id="close_feedback" title="Close"><img src="images/btn-close.png" border="0" alt="Close" class="close" /></a><div class="topCrv"></div><div class="leftHand"><div class="leftshad"><div class="rightHand"><div class="rightshad"><div class="gradient"><form id="contactFormId"  method="" action=""><div id="loading">Please Wait..<br><img src="plugin-images/ajax-loader.gif" border="0"/></div><div class="holder"><input type="hidden" id="recipient" name="recipient" value="'+defaults.recipient+'" /><input type="hidden" id="subject" name="subject" value="'+defaults.subject+'" /><label ><input type="text" id="name" name="name" /></label><label><input type="text" id="email" name="email" /></label><label><textarea id="comment" name="comment"></textarea></label><label><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="SEND" class="btn" /><span style=" padding-top:4px;">'+defaults.disclaimer+'</span></label></div></form><p class="thankNote" id="callback"></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="botCrv"></div></div>');						$('#contactFormId #name').example('Name');			$('#contactFormId #email').example('Email');			$('#contactFormId #comment').example('Message');							//show / hide function		function contactShow() {				$('#overlay').css({display: 'block'});				$('div#contactable').animate({"marginLeft": "-=5px"}, "fast"); 				$('#contactForm').animate({"marginLeft": "-=0px"}, "fast");				$('div#contactable').animate({"marginLeft": "+=523px"}, "slow"); 				$('#contactForm').animate({"marginLeft": "+=520px"}, "slow");				$('.feedContainer .close').css({right: '-4px'});				contactShowStatus = 0;			}		function contactHide() {				$('#contactForm').animate({"marginLeft": "-=520px"}, "slow");				$('div#contactable').animate({"marginLeft": "-=523px"}, "slow").animate({"marginLeft": "+=5px"}, "fast"); 				$('#overlay').css({display: 'none'});				$('.feedContainer .close').css({right: '0px'});				contactShowStatus =1;			}						$('div#contactable').click(				function() {				if(contactShowStatus==1)					contactShow();				else					contactHide();						});						$('a#close_feedback').click(function() {				contactHide();						}			);			//validate the form 			$("#contactFormId").validate({				//set the rules for the fild names				rules: {					name: {						required: true,						minlength: 2					},					email: {						required: true,						email: true					},					comment: {						required: true					}				},				//set messages to appear inline				messages: {					name: "Please enter your name",					email: "Please enter your email",					comment: "Please enter your Message"				},				submitHandler: function() {					$('.holder').hide();					$('#loading').show();					$.get('mail.php',{recipient:$('#recipient').val(), subject:$('#subject').val(), name:$('#name').val(), email:$('#email').val(), comment:$('#comment').val()},					function(data){						$('#loading').css({display:'none'});						$('.holder').show();						//document.forms['contactFormId'].reset()						name:$('#name').val('');						email:$('#email').val('');						comment:$('#comment').val('');												if( data == 'success') {							$('#callback').show().append(defaults.recievedMsg);						} else {							$('#callback').show().append(defaults.notRecievedMsg);						}					});						}			});		});	};	//end the plugin call })(jQuery);

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First, please edit your post and change "
". Also please break up that one long line into shorter lines. It will make it easier to view, so we can help you.well its abit late now iv'e already posted it and i don't know how to change it even if i can change it as iv'e been using these forums for 1 hour...The code is there what wrong with that? I just relly need someone to help me..but i shall use [code] next time i use the forums thanks anyways..
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you can go back and edit your posts. I agree with Fmdpa that codebox makes it harder to read, as reader vertically longer is more intuitive than reading horizontally (especially with code).you also say you need help, but haven't said what you need help with. What are you trying to do? (note, no one here is just going to do it for you.

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We don't really just write entire scripts for people, but if you want to post the PHP code you've got we can help you troubleshoot and expand it. You may also want to have that form submit via post instead of get, there is a limit to how much data can be sent through the querystring.

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We don't really just write entire scripts for people, but if you want to post the PHP code you've got we can help you troubleshoot and expand it. You may also want to have that form submit via post instead of get, there is a limit to how much data can be sent through the querystring.
okay sure here it is
<?php	//declare our assets 	$name = stripcslashes($_post['name']);	$emailAddr = stripcslashes($_post['email']);	$comment = stripcslashes($_post['comment']);	$subject = stripcslashes($_post['subject']);		$contactMessage = "Message: $comment \r \n From: $name \r \n Reply to: $emailAddr";	//validate the email address on the server side	if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $emailAddr) ) {		//if successful lets send the message		mail('ieuan.marlowe@hotmail.co.uk', $subject, $contactMessage);		echo('success'); //return success callback	} else {		echo('An invalid email address was entered'); //email was not valid	}?>

As i said im really bad with PHP so don't expect anything amazing. Thanks.

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PHP variables names are case-sensitive, so $_POST is not the same as $_post. But your form isn't using post, it's using get. You can add this to your PHP code to have it print the data it receives in $_POST:print_r($_POST);Since this is ajax that output will just appear on the page somewhere, but it will at least tell you if the script is receiving anything in $_POST and, if so, what it's getting. Also, a carriage return/line break sequence shouldn't have a space between them.

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PHP variables names are case-sensitive, so $_POST is not the same as $_post. But your form isn't using post, it's using get. You can add this to your PHP code to have it print the data it receives in $_POST:print_r($_POST);Since this is ajax that output will just appear on the page somewhere, but it will at least tell you if the script is receiving anything in $_POST and, if so, what it's getting. Also, a carriage return/line break sequence shouldn't have a space between them.
okay but iv'e tried putting them the same case but its not making a diffrence i know it's alot for me to ask but would you be able to edit my PHP i would appreciate it alot. Thanks.
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did you make $_post $_POST? like JSG said your form is using $_GET, so you should be using that instead of $_POST (unless you've since changed it). It is helpful to us that you post your code as you make changes to it so we can specifically know what you've done.

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okay this is what i have...the form is working how it should but the e-mail is not coming through on my account so there obviosly is still a problem..=/here we go JQuery:

(function($){	//define the new for the plugin ans how to call it		$.fn.contactable = function(options) {		//set default options  		var defaults = {			name: 'Name',			email: 'Email',			message : 'Message',			subject : 'A contactable message',			recievedMsg : 'Thankyou for your message',			notRecievedMsg : 'Sorry but your message could not be sent, try again later',			disclaimer: 'Please feel free to get in touch, we value your feedback',			hideOnSubmit: true		};		//call in the default otions		var options = $.extend(defaults, options);		//act upon the element that is passed into the design			return this.each(function(options) {			//construct the form			$(this).html('<div id="contactable"></div><form id="contactForm" method="" action=""><div id="loading"></div><div id="callback"></div><div class="holder"><p><label for="name">Name <span class="red"> * </span></label><br /><input id="name" class="contact" name="name" /></p><p><label for="email">E-Mail <span class="red"> * </span></label><br /><input id="email" class="contact" name="email" /></p><p><label for="comment">Your Feedback <span class="red"> * </span></label><br /><textarea id="comment" name="comment" class="comment" rows="4" cols="30" ></textarea></p><p><input class="submit" type="submit" value="Send"/></p><p class="disclaimer">'+defaults.disclaimer+'</p></div></form>');			//show / hide function			$('div#contactable').toggle(function() {				$('#overlay').css({display: 'block'});				$(this).animate({"marginLeft": "-=5px"}, "fast"); 				$('#contactForm').animate({"marginLeft": "-=0px"}, "fast");				$(this).animate({"marginLeft": "+=387px"}, "slow"); 				$('#contactForm').animate({"marginLeft": "+=390px"}, "slow"); 			}, 			function() {				$('#contactForm').animate({"marginLeft": "-=390px"}, "slow");				$(this).animate({"marginLeft": "-=387px"}, "slow").animate({"marginLeft": "+=5px"}, "fast"); 				$('#overlay').css({display: 'none'});			});						//validate the form 			$("#contactForm").validate({				//set the rules for the fild names				rules: {					name: {						required: true,						minlength: 2					},					email: {						required: true,						email: true					},					comment: {						required: true					}				},				//set messages to appear inline					messages: {						name: "",						email: "",						comment: ""					},							submitHandler: function() {					$('.holder').hide();					$('#loading').show();					$.GET('mail.php',{subject:$('#subject').val(), name:$('#name').val(), email:$('#email').val(), comment:$('#comment').val()},					function(data){						$('#loading').css({display:'none'}); 						if( data == 'success') {							$('#callback').show().append(defaults.recievedMsg);							if(defaults.hideOnSubmit == true) {								//hide the tab after successful submition if requested								$('#contactForm').animate({dummy:1}, 2000).animate({"marginLeft": "-=450px"}, "slow");								$('div#contactable').animate({dummy:1}, 2000).animate({"marginLeft": "-=447px"}, "slow").animate({"marginLeft": "+=5px"}, "fast"); 								$('#overlay').css({display: 'none'});								}						} else {							$('#callback').show().append(defaults.notRecievedMsg);						}					});						}			});		});	};})(jQuery);


<?php	//declare our assets 	$name = stripcslashes($_GET['name']);	$emailAddr = stripcslashes($_GET['email']);	$comment = stripcslashes($_GET['comment']);	$subject = stripcslashes($_GET['subject']);		$contactMessage = "Message: $comment \r \n From: $name \r \n Reply to: $emailAddr";	//validate the email address on the server side	if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $emailAddr) ) {		//if successful lets send the message		mail('ieuan.marlowe@hotmail.co.uk', $subject, $contactMessage);		echo('success'); //return success callback	} else {		echo('An invalid email address was entered'); //email was not valid	}?>

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it appears there's no action or method set to the form:

 $(this).html('<div id="contactable"></div><form id="contactForm" method="" action=""

try adding the name of the PHP file to 'action', and then add get as the method.http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp

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are you running this on a webserver? (like WAMP/MAMP) or on a hosting site? Basically, can you run php to begin with?

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hmm...this page doesn't have that change to the form. it still shows empty strings for method and action
thats because iv'e tried with and without and im trying everything right now iv'e been trying to work it out for the past 6 hours. I will do it =D
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sorry, I see what you mean now about that line you quoted. Take out my suggestions (method, action).ok, perhaps its in the PHP. Something to consider. If you upload a test php page, and all it has is this:

<?phpecho phpinfo();?>

it will tell you what version of PHP your host is running, because the function you are using in your condition check eregi is depricated in PHP5.3 and higher.http://php.net/manual/en/function.eregi.php So:1) upload the test page with the code snippet I showed you and see what version of PHP you are running2) regardless, try changing your mail.php code to this, just to see if its even sending mail to you at all.

<?php//declare our assets $name = stripcslashes($_GET['name']);$emailAddr = stripcslashes($_GET['email']);$comment = stripcslashes($_GET['comment']);$subject = stripcslashes($_GET['subject']);		$contactMessage = "Message: $comment \r \n From: $name \r \n Reply to: $emailAddr";mail('ieuan.marlowe@hotmail.co.uk', $subject, $contactMessage);?>

see if any of that gives us some answers. sorry about the confusion earlier. I think we're almost there, though.

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