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Changing an elements class


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I currently have an un-ordered list with an un-ordered list in it:<ul><li class="hide">2010<ul><li>December</li><li>November</li></ul></li><li>2009</li></ul>What I'd like to do is change the class of the <li> tag from "hide" to "show" when clicked. I've tried changing it using "this.className = 'hide'", but that doesn't seem to work. The other method I thought of was by checking the <li> tag for child elements, and when finding a <ul> tag, it would set it like "ulTag.style.display = 'block';", but I am unsure of how to check the child elements. Any help is appreciated

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What happens when you try to access the className property?It's possible that "this" is refering to the window object. If you're using events, you can access the element with e.target/e.srcElement

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When you attach an event handler to an element using code in "quotation martks", the this keyword does not get rescoped. Instead of referring to the element it refers to the window. The simplest fix would be:function toggle(el) {el.className = "show";}<li onclick="toggle(this);">

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