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PHP Parse Error (Solved)


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<?phprequire("include.php"); mysql_connect(localhost,$dbuser,$dbpassword);@mysql_select_db($database) or die();$tid=$_REQUEST['tid'];if (isset($_POST['message'])){$message=$_POST['message'];}$q1="SELECT * FROM Threads WHERE TID = '$tid'";mysql_query($q1);$r1=mysql_query($q1);$fid=mysql_result($q1,0,"FID");$title=mysql_result($q1,0,"title");$deleted=mysql_result($q1,0,"deleted");$threadurl=mysql_result($q1,0,"threadurl");$locked=mysql_result($q1,0,"locked");$unapproved=mysql_result($q1,0,"unapproved");$author=mysql_result($q1,0,"author");?><title><?php echo $title; ?></title></head><body>$query="SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE TID = '$tid'";mysql_query($query);$result=$mysql_query($query);$i=0;$num=mysql_numrows($result);$unapproved=mysql_result($result,0,"unapproved");if (isset($_POST['moderator'])){$tools=$_POST['tools'];$movethread=$_POST['movethread'];$moderator=_$POST['moderator'];if ($tools=="approve thread"){$q="UPDATE Threads SET unapproved = '0' WHERE TID = '$tid'";}else if ($tools=="unapprove thread"){$q="UPDATE Threads SET unapproved = '1' WHERE TID = '$tid'";}else if ($tools=="soft delete"){$q="UPDATE Threads SET deleted = '1' WHERE TID = '$tid'";}else if ($tools=="undelete"){$q="UPDATE Threads SET deleted = '0' WHERE TID = '$tid'";}else if ($tools=="destroy thread"){if (isset($_POST['confirm'])){$confirm=$_POST['confirm'];if ($confirm==0){echo "Action cancelled.<br />";}else{echo "Thread deleted.<br />";$q="DELETE FROM Threads WHERE TID = '$tid'";}} // Get rid of confirmationelse{ echo "Are you sure you wish to permanently delete this thread?";echo "<br />";?><form action="<?php echo $threadurl; ?>" method="post"><select name="confirm"><option value="0">No</option><option value="1">Yes</option></select><input type="hidden" name="tools" value="destroy thread" /><input type="hidden" name="moderator" value="<?php echo $username; ?>" /><input type="submit" value="Confirm" /></form><?php} // The problem line}   else if ($tools=="moderate thread") {$q="UPDATE Threads SET moderated = '1'";}else if ($tools=="unmoderate thread"){$q="UPDATE Threads SET moderated = '0' ";}else if ($tools=="lock thread"){$q="UPDATE Threads SET locked = '1'";}else if ($tools=="unlock thread"){$q="UPDATE Threads SET locked = '0'";}if ($movethread!=0){$q3="UPDATE Threads SET FID = '$movethread'";}mysql_query($q);if ($movethread!=0) // Only run if thread is being moved{mysql_query($q3);}} // End the thread moderator optionsif ($unapproved==0 || $unapproved==1 && $mod==1 || $admin==1 || $leader==1) /* Only show approved threads otherwise give error message. */{if ($unapproved==1 && $mod==1 || $admin==1 || $leader==1){echo "This thread was unapproved by " . $moderator . " for the following reason: " . $reason ."<br />";while($i<$num){$pid=mysql_result($result,$i,"PID");$poster=mysql_result($result,$i,"poster");$message=mysql_result($result,$i,"message");$moderated=mysql_result($result,$i,"moderated");if ($moderated==0 || $moderated==1 && $mod==1 || $admin==1 || $leader==1) /* Only show approved posts to regular members. Show all posts to staff.*/{if ($deleted==1 && $mod!=1 && $admin!=1 && $leader!=1){echo "The thread doesn't exist.<br />";}else if ($deleted==0 || $deleted==1 && $mod==1 || $admin==1 || $leader==1){ // Don't show to nonstaffecho $poster . "</t>" . $pid . "<br />";<img src="<?php echo $avatar; ?>" alt="<?php echo $poster; ?>'s avatar" /><br /><?php echo $message . "<br /><br />";} // Close Deleted=0} // Close Moderated$i++;} // Close While Loop} // Close Reason for unapproval} // Close view threadif ($unapproved==1 && $mod!=1 || $admin!=1 || $leader!=1){echo "The specified thread doesn't exist.<br />";}if ($mod==1 || $admin==1 || $leader==1){echo "Thread Tools: "; ?><form action="<?php echo $threadurl; ?>" method="post"><select name="tools"><?phpif ($threadmoderated==1) /* Thread needs to be approved */{ ?><option value="approve thread">Approve Thread</option><?php}else{ ?><option value="unapprove thread">Unapprove Thread</option><?php}if ($threaddeleted==0){ ?><option value="soft delete">Soft Delete Thread</option><?php}else{?><option value="undelete">Undelete Thread</option><?php}if ($admin==1 || $leader==1) /* Only let admins completely remove threads.*/{?><option value="destroy thread">Permanently Delete Thread</option><?php}if ($moderated==0) /*Force replies to be staff approved */{ ?><option value="moderate thread">Moderate Thread</option><?php}else{ ?><option value="unmoderate thread">Unmoderate Thread</option><?php}if ($locked==0){ ?><option value="lock thread">Lock Thread</option><?php}else{ ?><option value="unlock thread">Unlock Thread</option><?php}?></select>Move Thread: <select name="movethread"><option value="0">--</option><?php$q2="SELECT * FROM Forums";mysql_query($q2);$r2=mysql_query($q2);$x=0;$n=mysql_numrows($r2);while ($x<$n){$forum=mysql_result($r2,$x,"Forum");$fid=mysql_result($r2,$x,"FID");?><option value="<?php echo $fid; ?>"><?php echo $forum; ?></option><?php$x++;}?> </select>Reason: <input type="text" name="reason"><input type="hidden" name="moderator" value="<?php echo $username; ?>" /><input type="submit" value="Proceed" /></form></t><?php} // Closes the mod tools<br />?><form action="<?php echo $threadurl; ?>" method="post"><textarea rows="10" cols="70" name="message"></textarea><input type="submit" value="Quick Reply" /></form></body></html>

It says: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/teamdime/public_html/members/thread.php on line 76I put a comment that says the problem line where line 76 is for reference. Any help would be appreciated.

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wow. You should really try indenting your code and formatting it so it easier to read. By indenting all your control structures, you might find you have unnecessary bits of code.

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Open a <?php tag at line 21.Doesn't your editor highlight syntax? I pasted your code into mine and the problem became immediately obvious when half your code showed up as plain text.You have other problems as well. Like passing $q1 to mysql_result when I think you mean $r1. There is also a variable called _$POST in there somewhere.

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Forgetting to start the PHP again was the main problem I couldn't seem to find. After that there were a couple minor errors which I was able to spot and fix. Thanks for the help.

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